健康科学部 Department of Health and Nutrition



澁谷 顕一写真

澁谷 顕一
Kenichi Shibuya







著書1. 運動生理学 第2章 神経系の役割 川中健太郎、浅見直美. 羊土社. 2019
受賞歴1. 2010 Young Investigator Awards of Journal of Physiological Anthropology
研究論文(英文)1. Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Chihiro Homma, Kenichi Shibuya. The effect of background music tempo on eating speed and food intake volume within in healthy women. Nutrition and Health. 2023. 19: 2601060231158234

2. Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Ayaka Sasaki, Kenichi Shibuya. Cross-modal and subliminal effects of smell and color. PeerJ. 2023. 17; 11:e14874

3. Mana Miyamoto, Yuko Hanatani, Kenichi Shibuya. Increased vitamin D intake may reduce psychological anxiety and the incidence of menstrual irregularities in female athletes. PeerJ. 2022. 10: e14456

4. Akihiko Asao, Kento Wada, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya. Time course changes in corticospinal excitability during repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation combined with motor imagery. Neuroscience Letters. 2022. 771: 136427

5. Akihiko Asao, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya. Effects of repetiticve peripheral magnetic stimulation through hand splint materials on induced movement and corticospinal excitability in health participants. Brain Sciences. 2022. 12: 280

6. Kenichi Shibuya, Rina Kasuga, Naoto Sato, Risa Santa, Chihiro Homma, Mana Miyamoto. Preliminary findings: Preferences of right-handed people for food images oriented to the left vs. right side. Food Quality and Preference. 2022. 97: 104502

7. Mana Miyamoto Yuko Hanatani, Kenichi Shibuya. Relationship between Mental stress and menstrual irregularity among elite endurance athletes. Nutrients. 2021. 13: 3436

8. Akihiko Asao, Yuna Hoshino, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya. Effect of repetitive magnetic stimulation combined with motor imagery on the corticospinal excitability of antagonist muscles. NeuroReports. 2021. 38: 894-898

9. Mana Miyamoto, Yuko Hanatani, Kenichi Shibuya. Dietary intake and Menstrual cycle changes in international level young athlete. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2021. 61: 851-856

10. Kenichi Shibuya, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Chiro Homma, Sumire Hosono, Naoto Sato. The effect of an image of watchful eyes on the evaluation of the appearance of food. PeerJ. 2020. 10.7717/peerj.9804

11. Risa Santa, Mana Miyamaoto, Natsuko Hosono, Mizuki Hoshi, Chihiro Homma, Aya Goto, Naoto Sato, Kasumi Suzuki, Hiromi Inaba, Kenichi Shibuya. Mastication of hard gumi can alter the gustatory threshold for sodium chloride. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. 2020. 66: 587-590

12. Akihiko Asao, Haruka Ikeda, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya. Short-term session of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation combined with motor imagery facilitates corticospinal excitability in healthy human subjects. NeuroReport. 2019. 30: 562-566

13. Akihiko Asao, Kenichi Shibuya, Kazuki Yamada, Yuina Kazama. Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Visuotactile Synchrony on the embodiment of an artificial hand. Experimental Brain Research. 2018. 10.1007/s00221-018-5398-9

14. Kenichi Shibuya, Mai Misegawa, Megumi Fukuhara, Shinya Hirano, Kasumi Suzuki, Naoto Sato. The response time of the Stroop test is delayed during lemon-flavored gum chewing. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. 2018. 64: 239-242

15. Tomomi Yokoyama, Megui Sato, Saya Natsui, Naomi Kuboyama, Hiromi Inaba, Kasumi Suzuki, Kenichi Shibuya. The effect of frequency of gum chewing on the activation of the prefrontal cortex. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2017. 124: 58-71

16. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama, Seigo Yamada. Complementary activation of the ipsilateral primary motor cortex during a sustained handgrip task. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2016. 116: 171-178

17. Naomi Kuboyama, Kenichi Shibuya. Ipsi- and contralateral frontal cortex oxygenation during handgrip task does not follow decrease on maximal force output. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2015. 34: 37

18. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama, Junya Tanaka. Changes in ipsilateral motor cortex activity during a unilateral isometric finger task are dependent on the muscle contraction force. Physiological Measurements. 2014. 35: 417-428

19. Kenichi Shibuya. The activation of the primary motor cortex area decreases during repetitive handgrip exercise. Physiological Measurements. 2011. 32: 1929-1939

20. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama. Decreased activation in the primary motor cortex area during exhaustive handgrip exercise in trained subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2010. 111: 19-30

21. Kenichi Shibuya, Chihoko Ueda, Kohei Sato, Shizuyo Shimizu-Okuyama, Mitsuru Saito, Atsuko Kagaya, Mifuyu Kamo, Takuya Osada, Tomoko Sadamoto. Perceived exertion is not necessarily associated with altered brain activity during exercise. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2009. 28: 63-69

22. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama. Bilateral motor control during motor tasks involving the nondominant hand. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2009. 28:165-171

23. Kohei Sato, Tomoko Sadamoto, Chihoko Ueda-Sasahara, Kenichi Shibuya, Shizuyo Shimizu-Okuyama, Takuya Osada, Mifuyu Kamo, Mitsuru Saito, Atsuko Kagaya. Central command and the increase in middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity during static arm exercise in women. Experimental Physiology. 2009. 94: 1132-1138

24. Kenichi Shibuya, Tomoko Sadamoto, Kohei Sato, Mayumi Moriyama, Masako Iwadate. Quantification of delayed oxygenation in ipsilateral primary motor cortex compared with contralateral side during a unimanual dominant-hand motor task using near-infrared spectroscopy. Brain Research. 2008. 1210: 142-147

25. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama. Human motor cortex oxygenation during exhaustive pinching motor task. Brain Research. 2007. 1156: 120-124

26. Kenichi Shibuya, Masanobu Tachi. Oxygenation in the motor cortex during exhaustive pinching exercise. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2006. 153: 261-266

27. Kenichi Shibuya, Junya Tanaka, Tetsuro Ogaki. Muscle oxygenation kinetics at the onset of exercise does not depend on exercise intensity. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2004. 91: 712-715

28. Kenichi Shibuya, Junya Tanaka, Naomi Kuboyama, Tetsuro Ogaki. Cerebral oxygenation during intermittent supramaximal exercise. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2004. 40: 165-172

29. Kenichi Shibuya, Junya Tanaka, Naomi Kuboyama, Shinji Murai, Tetsuro Ogaki. Cerebral cortex activity during supramaximal exhaustive exercise. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2004. 44: 215-219.
研究論文(和文)1. 岩森大、澁谷顕一、永井徹、稲葉洋美 嚥下障害予防に向けた固定食へのとろみ付与効果 アクリバイオ 2022. 6: 49-53

2. 岩森大、澁谷顕一、稲葉洋美 テクスチャ改善したテイクアウトメニューの検証と喫食時に及ぼす影響 地域ケアリング 2022. 24: 62-66

3. 岩森大、澁谷顕一、稲葉洋美 テクスチャ改善を目指した食事提供とその効果 地域ケアリング 2022. 24: 69-73

4. 佐藤直人、宮本真菜、三田梨沙、澁谷顕一 体型判断におけるベイズ統合の影響 山形県立米沢栄養大学紀要 2023. 9: 5-10

5. 稲葉洋美、永桶久美子、小日向桃香、阿部菜生、佐野翠、平松彩弓、海和美咲、澁谷顕一 共食者の存在と他者の摂食量情報がヒトの摂食量に与える影響 日本家政学会誌 2022. 73:212-217

6. 浅尾章彦、橋本楓、能村友紀、澁谷顕一 手の掌面の接地の違いがワイピング動作中の上肢の運動に及ぼす影響 作業療法ジャーナル 2019. 54: 183-188

7. 浅尾章彦、青木優弥、能村友紀、澁谷顕一 反復末梢性磁気刺激におけるクリック音が体性感覚刺激の検出に及ぼす影響 バイオメカニズム学会誌 2019. 43: 41-45

8. 髙橋正弥、上野瞳、佐藤直人、鈴木香澄、稲葉洋美、澁谷顕一 数理最適化を用いた必要最低限の食費の算出 日本家政学会誌 2017. 69: 136-141

9. 鈴木香澄、佐藤直人、澁谷顕一 血中グルコース濃度が認知機能及び情動に及ぼす影響について 日本生理人類学雑誌 2017. 22: 85-89

10. 岩館雅子、澁谷顕一、定本朋子 少数例における運動準備期および掌握運動時の心拍数増加と大脳皮質運動野酸素化亢進の対応関係 脈管学 2010. 50: 475-481

11. 田中純也、澁谷顕一、大柿哲朗 2種類の超最大運動後の酸素消費量の比較 体力科学 2005. 54:133-142

12. 久保山直己、澁谷顕一、穐吉敏男、堀田昇、藤島和孝 加齢による体位の変化―佐賀県を対象として― 日本人類学雑誌 2003. 111: 119-129
総説・解説1. 澁谷顕一、久保山直己、田中純也. 力調節と左右一次運動野活動. 日本生理人類学雑誌. 2015. 20: 157-161

2. 澁谷顕一. 筋疲労時の運動野の活性. 体育の科学. 2010. 60: 217-220

3. 澁谷顕一、大柿哲郎. 運動開始時の酸素摂取動態を制限する要因. 健康科学. 2001. 23: 1-8
科学研究費1. 2007~2010 4,070千円 若手研究
学会・職能団体の委員1. 2013- 公益社団法人日本ローイング協会強化委員会 委員(日本代表チーム)
2. 2005- 公益社団法人日本ローイング協会医科学委員会 スタッフ
3. 2014- 公益財団法人日本オリンピック委員会 強化スタッフ
4. 2015- 公益財団法人日本オリンピック委員会 エリートアカデミーサポートスタッフ
5. 2020- PeerJ Academic Editor
6. 2020- PLOS ONE Academic Editor


Research AreasCognitive Science; Exercise Physiology; Sports Nutrition
Research IntroductionCognitive and Physical Responses to the External Stimuli; The Relationship between Nutritional Intake and Physical Performance
Papers1. Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Chihiro Homma, Kenichi Shibuya. The effect of background music tempo on eating speed and food intake volume within in healthy women. Nutrition and Health. 2023. 19: 2601060231158234

2. Naoto Sato, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Ayaka Sasaki, Kenichi Shibuya. Cross-modal and subliminal effects of smell and color. PeerJ. 2023. 17; 11:e14874

3. Mana Miyamoto, Yuko Hanatani, Kenichi Shibuya. Increased vitamin D intake may reduce psychological anxiety and the incidence of menstrual irregularities in female athletes. PeerJ. 2022. 10: e14456

4. Akihiko Asao, Kento Wada, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya. Time course changes in corticospinal excitability during repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation combined with motor imagery. Neuroscience Letters. 2022. 771: 136427

5. Akihiko Asao, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya. Effects of repetiticve peripheral magnetic stimulation through hand splint materials on induced movement and corticospinal excitability in health participants. Brain Sciences. 2022. 12: 280

6. Kenichi Shibuya, Rina Kasuga, Naoto Sato, Risa Santa, Chihiro Homma, Mana Miyamoto. Preliminary findings: Preferences of right-handed people for food images oriented to the left vs. right side. Food Quality and Preference. 2022. 97: 104502

7. Mana Miyamoto Yuko Hanatani, Kenichi Shibuya. Relationship between Mental stress and menstrual irregularity among elite endurance athletes. Nutrients. 2021. 13: 3436

8. Akihiko Asao, Yuna Hoshino, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya. Effect of repetitive magnetic stimulation combined with motor imagery on the corticospinal excitability of antagonist muscles. NeuroReports. 2021. 38: 894-898

9. Mana Miyamoto, Yuko Hanatani, Kenichi Shibuya. Dietary intake and Menstrual cycle changes in international level young athlete. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2021. 61: 851-856

10. Kenichi Shibuya, Mana Miyamoto, Risa Santa, Chiro Homma, Sumire Hosono, Naoto Sato. The effect of an image of watchful eyes on the evaluation of the appearance of food. PeerJ. 2020. 10.7717/peerj.9804

11. Risa Santa, Mana Miyamaoto, Natsuko Hosono, Mizuki Hoshi, Chihiro Homma, Aya Goto, Naoto Sato, Kasumi Suzuki, Hiromi Inaba, Kenichi Shibuya. Mastication of hard gumi can alter the gustatory threshold for sodium chloride. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. 2020. 66: 587-590

12. Akihiko Asao, Haruka Ikeda, Tomonori Nomura, Kenichi Shibuya. Short-term session of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation combined with motor imagery facilitates corticospinal excitability in healthy human subjects. NeuroReport. 2019. 30: 562-566

13. Akihiko Asao, Kenichi Shibuya, Kazuki Yamada, Yuina Kazama. Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Visuotactile Synchrony on the embodiment of an artificial hand. Experimental Brain Research. 2018. 10.1007/s00221-018-5398-9

14. Kenichi Shibuya, Mai Misegawa, Megumi Fukuhara, Shinya Hirano, Kasumi Suzuki, Naoto Sato. The response time of the Stroop test is delayed during lemon-flavored gum chewing. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. 2018. 64: 239-242

15. Tomomi Yokoyama, Megui Sato, Saya Natsui, Naomi Kuboyama, Hiromi Inaba, Kasumi Suzuki, Kenichi Shibuya. The effect of frequency of gum chewing on the activation of the prefrontal cortex. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2017. 124: 58-71

16. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama, Seigo Yamada. Complementary activation of the ipsilateral primary motor cortex during a sustained handgrip task. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2016. 116: 171-178

17. Naomi Kuboyama, Kenichi Shibuya. Ipsi- and contralateral frontal cortex oxygenation during handgrip task does not follow decrease on maximal force output. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2015. 34: 37

18. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama, Junya Tanaka. Changes in ipsilateral motor cortex activity during a unilateral isometric finger task are dependent on the muscle contraction force. Physiological Measurements. 2014. 35: 417-428

19. Kenichi Shibuya. The activation of the primary motor cortex area decreases during repetitive handgrip exercise. Physiological Measurements. 2011. 32: 1929-1939

20. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama. Decreased activation in the primary motor cortex area during exhaustive handgrip exercise in trained subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2010. 111: 19-30

21. Kenichi Shibuya, Chihoko Ueda, Kohei Sato, Shizuyo Shimizu-Okuyama, Mitsuru Saito, Atsuko Kagaya, Mifuyu Kamo, Takuya Osada, Tomoko Sadamoto. Perceived exertion is not necessarily associated with altered brain activity during exercise. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2009. 28: 63-69

22. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama. Bilateral motor control during motor tasks involving the nondominant hand. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2009. 28:165-171

23. Kohei Sato, Tomoko Sadamoto, Chihoko Ueda-Sasahara, Kenichi Shibuya, Shizuyo Shimizu-Okuyama, Takuya Osada, Mifuyu Kamo, Mitsuru Saito, Atsuko Kagaya. Central command and the increase in middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity during static arm exercise in women. Experimental Physiology. 2009. 94: 1132-1138

24. Kenichi Shibuya, Tomoko Sadamoto, Kohei Sato, Mayumi Moriyama, Masako Iwadate. Quantification of delayed oxygenation in ipsilateral primary motor cortex compared with contralateral side during a unimanual dominant-hand motor task using near-infrared spectroscopy. Brain Research. 2008. 1210: 142-147

25. Kenichi Shibuya, Naomi Kuboyama. Human motor cortex oxygenation during exhaustive pinching motor task. Brain Research. 2007. 1156: 120-124

26. Kenichi Shibuya, Masanobu Tachi. Oxygenation in the motor cortex during exhaustive pinching exercise. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2006. 153: 261-266

27. Kenichi Shibuya, Junya Tanaka, Tetsuro Ogaki. Muscle oxygenation kinetics at the onset of exercise does not depend on exercise intensity. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2004. 91: 712-715

28. Kenichi Shibuya, Junya Tanaka, Naomi Kuboyama, Tetsuro Ogaki. Cerebral oxygenation during intermittent supramaximal exercise. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2004. 40: 165-172

29. Kenichi Shibuya, Junya Tanaka, Naomi Kuboyama, Shinji Murai, Tetsuro Ogaki. Cerebral cortex activity during supramaximal exhaustive exercise. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2004. 44: 215-219.