リハビリテーション学部 Department of Physical Therapy



八坂 敏一写真

Faculty of Rehabilitation/Department of Physical Therapy

八坂 敏一
Toshiharu Yasaka


所属団体・学会等日本生理学会、日本神経科学学会、北米神経科学学会(Society for Neuroscience)、日本疼痛学会、日本運動器疼痛学会、国際疼痛学会(International association for the study of pain)、日本薬理学会





研究論文(英文)1. Kambe Y, Nguyen TT, Yasaka T, Nguyen TT, Sameshima Y, Hashiguchi K, Shintani N, Hashimoto H Kurihara T, Miyata A. The Pivotal Role of Neuropeptide Crosstalk from Ventromedial-PACAP to Dorsomedial-Galanin in the Appetite Regulation in the Mouse Hypothalamus. Molecular Neurobiology 2022 60(1):171-182
2. Tashima R, Koga K, Yoshikawa Y, Sekine M, Watanabe M, Tozaki-Saitoh H, Furue H, Yasaka T, Tsuda M. A subset of spinal dorsal horn interneurons crucial for gating touch-evoked pain-like behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 2021 118(3):e2021220118
3. Nakagawa T, Yasaka T, Nakashima N, Takeya M, Oshita K, Tsuda M, Yamaura K, Takano M. Expression of the pacemaker channel HCN4 in excitatory interneurons in the dorsal horn of the murine spinal cord. Molecular Brain 2019 13(1):127
4. Boyle KA, Gradwell MA, Yasaka T, Dickie AC, Polgár E, Ganley RP, Orr DPH, Watanabe M, Abraira VE, Kuehn ED, Zimmermann AL, Ginty DD, Callister RJ, Graham BA, Hughes DI. Defining a spinal microcircuit that gates myelinated afferent input: implications for tactile allodynia. Cell Reports 2019 28:526-540
5. Sonohata M, Doi A, Yasaka T, Uta D, Mawatari M, Yoshimura M. Noradrenaline modulates mechanically evoked responses in the rat spinal dorsal horn: an in vivo patch-clamp study. Journal of Pain Research 2019 12:1269-1278
6. Ishikawa A, Miyake Y, Kobayashi K, Murata Y, Iizasa S, Iizasa E, Yamasaki S, Hirakawa N, Hara H, Yoshida H, Yasaka T. Essential roles of C-type lectin Mincle in induction of neuropathic pain in mice. Scientific Reports 2019 9:872
7. Sasaguri T, Taguchi T, Murata Y, Kobayashi K, Iizasa S, Iizasa E, Tsuda M, Hirakawa N, Hara H, Yoshida H, Yasaka T. Interleukin-27 controls basal pain threshold in physiological and pathological conditions. Scientific Reports 2018 8:11022
8. Murata Y, Yasaka T, Takano M, Ishihara K. Neuronal and glial expression of inward rectifier potassium channel subunits Kir2.x in rat dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord. Neuroscience Letters 2016 617:59-65
9. Yasaka T, Tiong SY, Polgár E, Watanabe M, Kumamoto E, Riddell JS, Todd AJ. A putative relay circuit providing low-threshold mechanoreceptive input to lamina I projection neurons via vertical cells in lamina II of the rat dorsal horn. Molecular Pain 2014 10:3
10. Yasaka T, Tiong SY, Hughes DI, Riddell JS Todd AJ. Populations of inhibitory and excitatory interneurons in lamina II of the adult rat spinal dorsal horn revealed by a combined electrophysiological and anatomical approach. Pain 2010 151(2):475-488
11. Yasaka T, Hughes DI, Polgar E, Nagy GG, Watanabe M, Riddell JS, Todd AJ. Evidence against AMPA receptor-lacking glutamatergic synapses in the superficial dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord. Journal of Neuroscience 2009 29 (42):13401-13409
12. Kato G, Kawasaki Y, Koga K, Uta D, Kosugi M, Yasaka T, Yoshimura M, Ji RR, Strassman A. Organization of intralaminar and translaminar neuronal connectivity in the superficial spinal dorsal horn. Journal of Neuroscience 2009 29 (16):5088-5099
13. Yasaka T, Kato G, Furue H, Rashid HM, Sonohata M, Tamae A, Murata Y, Masuko S, Yoshimura M. Cell-type-specific excitatory and inhibitory circuits involving primary afferents in the substantia gelatinosa of the rat spinal dorsal horn in vitro. Journal of Physiology (London) 2007 581 (2):603-618
14. Kato G, Yasaka T, Katafuchi T, Furue H, Mizuno M, Iwamoto Y, Yoshimura M. Direct GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition of the substantia gelatinosa from the rostral ventromedial medulla revealed by in vivo patch-clamp analysis in rats. Journal of Neuroscience 2006 26 (6):1787-1794
15. Matayoshi S, Jiang N, Katafuchi T, Koga K, Furue H, Yasaka T, Nakatsuka T, Zhou XF, Kawasaki Y, Tanaka N, Yoshimura M. Actions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on spinal nociceptive transmission during inflammation in the rat. Journal of Physiology (London) 2005 569 (2):685-695
16. Miyakawa A, Furue H, Katafuchi T, Jiang N, Yasaka T, Kato G, Yoshimura M. Action of neuropeptide Y on nociceptive transmission in substantia gelatinosa of the adult rat spinal dorsal horn. Neuroscience 2005 134 (2):595-604
17. Kato G, Furue H, Katafuchi T, Yasaka T, Iwamoto Y, Yoshimura M. Electrophysiological mapping of the nociceptive inputs to the substantia gelatinosa in rat horizontal spinal cord slice. Journal of Physiology (London) 2004 560 (1):303-315
18. Sonohata M, Furue H, Katafuchi T, Yasaka T, Doi A, Kumamoto E, Yoshimura M. Actions of noradrenaline on substantia gelatinosa neurons in the rat spinal cord revealed by in vivo patch recording. Journal of Physiology (London) 2004 555 (2):515-526
19. Katafuchi T, Kondo T, Yasaka T, Kubo K, Take S, Yoshimura M. Prolonged effects of polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid on spontaneous running wheel activity and brain interferon-alpha mRNA in rats: A model for immunologically induced fatigue. Neuroscience 2003 120 (3):837-845
20. Yasaka T, Ichisaka S, Katsumoto T, Maki H, Saji M, Kimura G, Ohno K Apoptosis involved in density-dependent regulation of rat fibroblastic 3Y1 cell culture. Cell structure and Function 1996 21 (6):483-489
研究論文(和文)1. 八坂敏一,加藤剛,藤田亜美,吉村恵,熊本栄一. ラット脊髄後角浅層部抑制性介在神経に入力するC線維サブクラスの特徴. 脊髄機能診断学 2011 32 (1):37-45
総説・解説1. 2019 八坂敏一 脊髄後角局所神経回路の侵害受容信号プロセシング機構 実験医学 2020 38:401-408
2. 2017 八坂敏一 脊髄後角局所回路におけるインターニューロンの多様性と役割 Pain Research 2018 33:10-17
3. 2016 八坂敏一 痛みの抑制理論「ゲートコントロール説」の現代的意義は? 日本医事新報 2016 4818:60-62
4. 2014 八坂敏一 痛いの痛いの飛んでいけ:ゲートコントロール説の神経回路に重要である脊髄後角神経細胞の解析 日本病態生理学会雑誌 2014 23:50-54
科学研究費1. 2021-2023 4160000 基盤研究(C) 痛みと痒みのラベルドライン神経回路における脊髄後角モジュールの同定
2. 2020-2022 325000 基盤研究(C) 神経節マクロファージとニューロンとのコンタクトは神経因性疼痛のスイッチとなるか?
3. 2019-2023 20020000 基盤研究(S) 神経障害性疼痛に直結する神経回路動作異常メカニズムの解明と創薬への応用
4. 2018-2020 4290000 基盤研究(C) ミクログリアはニューロンに接触して何をしているのか?―疼痛モデルによる解析―
5. 2017-2018 130000 挑戦的研究(萌芽) 三叉神経節の神経-免疫系をターゲットとした顎顔面痛覚異常の病態解明と治療法の開発
6. 2016-2018 1300000 基盤研究(C) 慢性疼痛モデルに対するインターロイキン‐27投与の効果
7. 2015-2017 18330000 基盤研究(B) ダメージ関連分子パターン受容体の神経障害性痛における役割
8. 2014-2016 3900000 挑戦的研究(萌芽) 脊髄後角局所回路の光遺伝学的操作による痛み・痒み行動の制御
9. 2014-2016 390000 基盤研究(C) 生理的感覚感度調節に寄与するサイトカインの発見と、その疼痛調節メカニズムの解明
10. 2012-2014 18590000 基盤研究(B) 新規自然免疫活性化機構関連分子の神経障害痛発症メカニズムにおける役割の解明
11. 2011-2013 4290000 挑戦的研究(萌芽) 痛覚伝達に関わる脊髄後角局所回路における高解像度トレーシング
学会等研究発表1. Yasaka T, Sasaguri T, Taguchi T, Murata Y, Kobayashi K, Iizasa S, Iizasa E, Tsuda M, Hirakawa N, Hara H, Yoshida H. Enhanced basal pain sensitivities observed in mice lacking interleukin-27. 9th FAOPS (Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies) Congress Mar 28-31
2. Yasaka T, Todd AJ, Graham BA, and Hughes DI. Neuronal circuitry for pain processing in the spinal dorsal horn. 7th Asian Pain Symposium Oct 27-28
3. Yasaka T, Boyle K, Graham B, Hughes D Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneurons In The Mouse Spinal Dorsal Horn Gate Low Threshold Mechanoreceptive Input To Lamina I. 16th World Congress on Pain Sept 26-30
4. Yasaka T, Sasaguri T, Murata Y, Hara H, Ishikawa A, Fujita T, Kumamoto E, Masuko S, Hirakawa N, Yoshida H. Enhanced pain behavior observed in mice lacking interleukin-27. 44th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience Nov 15-19
5. Yasaka T, Tiong SYX, Polgár E, Fujita T, Kumamoto E, Todd AJ. A subset of lamina II excitatory interneuron relaying low-threshold mechanoreceptive input to lamina I projection neurons in the rat spinal cord. 43rd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience Nov 9-13
6. Yasaka T, Hughes DI, Tiong SYX, Polgár E, Fujita T, Kumamoto E, Riddell JE, Todd AJ. Excitatory and inhibitory spinal lamina II interneurons that receive inputs from putative low-threshold mechanoreceptors in adult rats. 5th Asian Pain Symposium Dec 18-20
7. Yasaka T, Tiong SY, Polgár E, Fujita T, Kumamoto E, Todd AJ. A possible neuronal circuit for relaying low-threshold mechanoreceptive input to lamina I projection neurons in the rat spinal cord. 14th World Congress on Pain Aug 27-31
8. Yasaka T, Tiong SY, Hughse DI, Hirakawa N, Fujita T, Kumamoto E, Riddell JS, Todd AJ. A possible disinhibitory mechanism involving somatostatin in lamina II of the rat spinal dorsal horn revealed by an electrophysiological, morphological and neurochemical investigation. 13th World Congress on Pain Aug 29-Sep 2
9. Yasaka T, Kato G, Furue H, Tamae A, Murata Y, Masuko S, Yoshimura M. Excitatory and inhibitory responses to primary afferent stimulation and morphological features of the substantia gelatinosa neurons in adult rat spinal dorsal horn in vitro. 5th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium of Brain Sciences, and Cardiac and Smooth Muscles Jul 22-24
10. Yasaka T, Kato G, Furue H, Tamae A, Murata Y, Masuko S and Yoshimura M. Differences of inhibitory circuits from primary afferents to substantia gelatinosa neurons among four major morphologically identified cell types in adult rat spinal cord in vitro. 35th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience Nov 12-16
11. Yasaka T, Kato G, Furue H, Sonohata M, Tamae A, Murata Y, Masuko S, Yoshimura M. Heterogeneity of substantia gelatinosa neurons in primary afferent inputs with their morphological features revealed by blind patch recording from adult rat spinal cord slice in vitro. 34th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience Oct 22-27
12. Yasaka T, Katafuchi T, Kubo K, Yoshimura M. The study of Fos protein expressed in the preoptic area during exposure to warm ambient temperature using antisense oligo DNA method. 3rd international symposium on the study of brain function May 9-10
13. Yasaka T, Katafuchi T, Kanemitsu Y, Take S, Hori T. Effects of c-fos antisense oligonucleotide microinjected into the medial preoptic area on thermoregulation during heat exposure. 8th Naito conference on Neuro-immuno-endocrine networks [III] Oct 16-19
14. 八坂敏一、笹栗智子、平川奈緒美、村田祐造、原博満、吉田裕樹. インターロイキン27の感覚閾値調節における役割. 平成29年度生理学研究所研究会「第1回感覚免疫学研究会」 7月3-4日
15. 八坂敏一 脊髄後角局所神経回路におけるインターニューロンの多様性と役割. 日本疼痛学会第39回大会 6月16-17日
16. 八坂敏一 脊髄後角インターニューロンの多様性と局所神経回路における役割. 平成28年度生理学研究所研究会「痛みの理解を目指した先端的アプローチ」 (2017年)1月30-31日
17. 八坂敏一 痛いの痛いの飛んでいけ:ゲートコントロール説の神経回路に重要である脊髄後角神経細胞の解析. 日本病態生理学会第24回大会(サテライトセミナー) 8月8-10日
18. 八坂敏一、Hughes DI、Riddell JS、藤田亜美、熊本栄一、吉村 恵、Todd AJ. ラット脊髄膠様質細胞の分類と痛覚伝達に関わる後角内局所神経回路における役割. 日本生理学会第90回大会 (2013年)3月27-29日
19. 八坂 敏一、吉村恵、藤田亜美、熊本栄一、Todd AJ. 脊髄介在ニューロンの構造と機能および侵害受容情報処理回路における役割. 日本生理学会第88回大会/日本解剖学会第116回総会・全国学術集会合同大会 (2011年)3月28-30日
学会・職能団体の委員1. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy Editorial Board Member
2. Frontiers in Pain Research / Pain Research Methods Editorial Board Member
3. 日本生理学会評議員
4. Scientific Reports Editorial Board Member


Research AreasPhysiology
Research IntroductionMolecules, cell, and local circuits for pain and itch in the spinal dorsal horn
Papers1. 2022 Kambe Y, Nguyen TT, Yasaka T, Nguyen TT, Sameshima Y, Hashiguchi K, Shintani N, Hashimoto H Kurihara T, Miyata A. The Pivotal Role of Neuropeptide Crosstalk from Ventromedial-PACAP to Dorsomedial-Galanin in the Appetite Regulation in the Mouse Hypothalamus. Molecular Neurobiology 2022 60(1):171-182
2. 2021 Tashima R, Koga K, Yoshikawa Y, Sekine M, Watanabe M, Tozaki-Saitoh H, Furue H, Yasaka T, Tsuda M. A subset of spinal dorsal horn interneurons crucial for gating touch-evoked pain-like behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 2021 118(3):e2021220118
3. 2020 Nakagawa T, Yasaka T, Nakashima N, Takeya M, Oshita K, Tsuda M, Yamaura K, Takano M. Expression of the pacemaker channel HCN4 in excitatory interneurons in the dorsal horn of the murine spinal cord. Molecular Brain 2019 13(1):127
4. 2019 Boyle KA, Gradwell MA, Yasaka T, Dickie AC, Polgár E, Ganley RP, Orr DPH, Watanabe M, Abraira VE, Kuehn ED, Zimmermann AL, Ginty DD, Callister RJ, Graham BA, Hughes DI. Defining a spinal microcircuit that gates myelinated afferent input: implications for tactile allodynia. Cell Reports 2019 28:526-540
5. 2019 Sonohata M, Doi A, Yasaka T, Uta D, Mawatari M, Yoshimura M. Noradrenaline modulates mechanically evoked responses in the rat spinal dorsal horn: an in vivo patch-clamp study. Journal of Pain Research 2019 12:1269-1278
6. 2019 Ishikawa A, Miyake Y, Kobayashi K, Murata Y, Iizasa S, Iizasa E, Yamasaki S, Hirakawa N, Hara H, Yoshida H, Yasaka T. Essential roles of C-type lectin Mincle in induction of neuropathic pain in mice. Scientific Reports 2019 9:872
7. 2018 Sasaguri T, Taguchi T, Murata Y, Kobayashi K, Iizasa S, Iizasa E, Tsuda M, Hirakawa N, Hara H, Yoshida H, Yasaka T. Interleukin-27 controls basal pain threshold in physiological and pathological conditions. Scientific Reports 2018 8:11022
8. 2016 Murata Y, Yasaka T, Takano M, Ishihara K. Neuronal and glial expression of inward rectifier potassium channel subunits Kir2.x in rat dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord. Neuroscience Letters 2016 617:59-65
9. 2014 Yasaka T, Tiong SY, Polgár E, Watanabe M, Kumamoto E, Riddell JS, Todd AJ. A putative relay circuit providing low-threshold mechanoreceptive input to lamina I projection neurons via vertical cells in lamina II of the rat dorsal horn. Molecular Pain 2014 10:3
10. 2010 Yasaka T, Tiong SY, Hughes DI, Riddell JS Todd AJ. Populations of inhibitory and excitatory interneurons in lamina II of the adult rat spinal dorsal horn revealed by a combined electrophysiological and anatomical approach. Pain 2010 151(2):475-488
11. 2009 Yasaka T, Hughes DI, Polgar E, Nagy GG, Watanabe M, Riddell JS, Todd AJ. Evidence against AMPA receptor-lacking glutamatergic synapses in the superficial dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord. Journal of Neuroscience 2009 29 (42):13401-13409
12. 2009 Kato G, Kawasaki Y, Koga K, Uta D, Kosugi M, Yasaka T, Yoshimura M, Ji RR, Strassman A. Organization of intralaminar and translaminar neuronal connectivity in the superficial spinal dorsal horn. Journal of Neuroscience 2009 29 (16):5088-5099
13. 2007 Yasaka T, Kato G, Furue H, Rashid HM, Sonohata M, Tamae A, Murata Y, Masuko S, Yoshimura M. Cell-type-specific excitatory and inhibitory circuits involving primary afferents in the substantia gelatinosa of the rat spinal dorsal horn in vitro. Journal of Physiology (London) 2007 581 (2):603-618
14. 2006 Kato G, Yasaka T, Katafuchi T, Furue H, Mizuno M, Iwamoto Y, Yoshimura M. Direct GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition of the substantia gelatinosa from the rostral ventromedial medulla revealed by in vivo patch-clamp analysis in rats. Journal of Neuroscience 2006 26 (6):1787-1794
15. 2005 Matayoshi S, Jiang N, Katafuchi T, Koga K, Furue H, Yasaka T, Nakatsuka T, Zhou XF, Kawasaki Y, Tanaka N, Yoshimura M. Actions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on spinal nociceptive transmission during inflammation in the rat. Journal of Physiology (London) 2005 569 (2):685-695
16. 2005 Miyakawa A, Furue H, Katafuchi T, Jiang N, Yasaka T, Kato G, Yoshimura M. Action of neuropeptide Y on nociceptive transmission in substantia gelatinosa of the adult rat spinal dorsal horn. Neuroscience 2005 134 (2):595-604
17. 2004 Kato G, Furue H, Katafuchi T, Yasaka T, Iwamoto Y, Yoshimura M. Electrophysiological mapping of the nociceptive inputs to the substantia gelatinosa in rat horizontal spinal cord slice. Journal of Physiology (London) 2004 560 (1):303-315
18. 2004 Sonohata M, Furue H, Katafuchi T, Yasaka T, Doi A, Kumamoto E, Yoshimura M. Actions of noradrenaline on substantia gelatinosa neurons in the rat spinal cord revealed by in vivo patch recording. Journal of Physiology (London) 2004 555 (2):515-526
19. 2003 Katafuchi T, Kondo T, Yasaka T, Kubo K, Take S, Yoshimura M. Prolonged effects of polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid on spontaneous running wheel activity and brain interferon-alpha mRNA in rats: A model for immunologically induced fatigue. Neuroscience 2003 120 (3):837-845
20. 1996 Yasaka T, Ichisaka S, Katsumoto T, Maki H, Saji M, Kimura G, Ohno K Apoptosis involved in density-dependent regulation of rat fibroblastic 3Y1 cell culture. Cell structure and Function 1996 21 (6):483-489