健康科学部 Department of Health and Nutrition



岩森 大写真

Faculty of Health Sciences/Department of Health and Nutrition

岩森 大
Hajime Iwamori








著書1. 飯田文子 松月弘恵 岩森大 他 明日の健康と調理 アイケイコーポレーション 2023年
2. 鈴野弘子 長島伸浩 岩森大 他 応用自在な調理の基礎 日本料理篇 河内一行 家政教育社 2015年
研究論文(和文)1. 岩森大,澁谷顕一,永井徹,稲葉洋美 嚥下障害予防に向けた固形食へのとろみ付与効果 アグリバイオ 2022 6(2),139-143
2. 岩森大,澁谷顕一,稲葉洋美 テクスチャ改善したテイクアウトメニューの検証と喫食時に及ぼす影響 地域ケアリング 2022 24 (1), 62-67
3. 岩森大,坂井邦彦,齋藤泰晴,永井徹 地域高齢者へのフレイル・サルコペニア予防に向けたとろみ調整食品の利用 アグリバイオ 2020 4(14), 73-79
4. Satomi Miyaoka, Hajime Iwamori, Yozo Miyaoka Influence of Chewing Cycles on Flavor Recognition Time in Healthy Adults Perception 2019 48, 629-637
5. Satomi Miyaoka, Hajime Iwamori, Yozo Miyaoka Distribution of Recognition Times to Fruity Flavor of Gummy Candies in Healthy Adults. Perception 2018 47, 851-859
6. H,Iwamori I,Ashida Y,miyaoka. A Piezoelectric Sensor-Based System for Objective Analyzing of the Preparation of Fluid Foods. J Sensor Tec. 2014, 4, 148-153.
7. Y. Miyaoka, I. Ashida, H. Iwamori, Y. Tamaki, S. Kawakami, T. Yamazaki, and N. Ito, The effect of masseter activity patterns during chewing on suprahyoid activity in subsequent chewing cycles., Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 2014 4, 69-74,
8. Y. Miyaoka, I. Ashida, T. Yamazaki, N. Ito, Y. Tamaki, S. Kawakami, and H. Iwamori, Classification of masseter activity patterns during chewing in healthy young adults: The effect of taste signals., Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science. 2013 3, 432-439,
科学研究費1. 2023-2026 4810000 基盤研究(C) レオロジーの異なる炭酸飲料による嚥下機能への刺激効果の解明
2. 2019-2022 4290000 基盤研究(C) とろみ食品の嚥下調整食への展開に向けた実証的研究
3. 2014-2017 3770000 若手研究 とろみ調整食品の使用における新表記法の開発
共同研究・受託研究 等1. 2022-2023 500000 企業 受託 とろみ食品の嚥下調整食への展開に向けた実証的研究


Research AreasResearch on eating habits and textures of the elderly.
Research IntroductionIn order to improve the diet for people who have difficulty chewing and swallowing food, we are approaching from the cooking characteristics of the ingredients.

In particular, we are focusing on thickeners and verifying effective usage methods.
BooksBasics of flexible cooking Japanese cuisine. Kazuyuki Kawachi, Hajime Iwamori et al. Home Economics Education Co., Ltd. 2015.
PapersH,Iwamori I,Ashida Y,miyaoka. A Piezoelectric Sensor-Based System for Objective Analyzing of the Preparation of Fluid Foods. J Sensor Tec.2014, 4, 148-153. Y. Miyaoka, I. Ashida, H. Iwamori, Y. Tamaki, S. Kawakami, T. Yamazaki, and N. Ito, The effect of masseter activity patterns during chewing on suprahyoid activity in subsequent chewing cycles., Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 4, 69-74, 2014. Y. Miyaoka, I. Ashida, T. Yamazaki, N. Ito, Y. Tamaki, S. Kawakami, and H. Iwamori, Classification of masseter activity patterns during chewing in healthy young adults: The effect of taste signals., Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science. 3, 432-439, 2013