


Department of Health and Sports

佐藤 大輔写真

Faculty of Health Sciences/Department of Health and Sports

Daisuke Sato








著書1. 野村武男,佐藤大輔. 健康エクササイズ. 「全身の持久性を高めるために/水泳」 (編)山本利春. 日本評論社. 2008; 30-35.
2. 佐藤大輔. スポーツ解剖学シリーズ「スイミング解剖学」 「第2章. 腕」「第3章. 肩」 Ian McLeod著. 下山好充監訳. ベースボール・マガジン社 2010; 24-77.
3. 金田晃一,佐藤大輔,野村武男. 水泳パフォーマンスの最新理論. 「寝たきり予防のための水中運動」 (編)野村武男. 筑波大学出版会. 2009; 176-180.
4. 野村武男,佐藤大輔. メディカルアクアフィットネスインストラクター教本. 「水泳・水中運動の科学」 (編)日本スイミングクラブ協会. 日本スイミングクラブ協会. 2011; 13-24.
5. 野村武男,佐藤大輔. メディカルアクアフィットネスインストラクター教本. 「整形外科的疾患の予防改善とアクアフィットネス」 (編)日本スイミングクラブ協会. 日本スイミングクラブ協会. 2011; 224-231.
6. 佐藤大輔. 健康・スポーツ科学における運動処方としての水泳・水中運動. 「中高年期における水泳・水中運動」 (編)佐藤進,池本幸雄,野口智博,滝瀬定文 杏林書院. 2016; 69-78.
7. 佐藤大輔. 健康・スポーツ科学における運動処方としての水泳・水中運動. 「水中運動と陸上運動の効果の比較」 (編)佐藤進,池本幸雄,野口智博,滝瀬定文 杏林書院. 2016; 93-100.
8. 佐藤大輔. 健康・スポーツ科学における運動処方としての水泳・水中運動. 「水泳・水中運動による転倒・寝たきり予防」 (編)佐藤進,池本幸雄,野口智博,滝瀬定文 杏林書院. 2016; 151-156.
9. 佐藤大輔. もっとなっとく 使えるスポーツサイエンス. 「水中運動は介護予防・寝たきり予防に効果があるの?」 (編)征矢英昭,本山貢,石井好二郎. 講談社サイエンティフィック. 2017; 116-118.
10. 佐藤大輔. リハビリテーション神経科学. 「運動誘発電位 SICI,ICF,SAI」 (編)鈴木俊明,大西秀明. メディカルビュー. 2019; 208-223.
11. 佐藤大輔. 人間の許容・適応限界辞典. 「第Ⅶ章 物理・科学・環境 2.高圧・潜水・水圧」 (編)村木里志、長谷川博、小川景子 朝倉書店. 2022; 417-420.
受賞歴1. 2006 小学校水泳授業における保温水着着用の有効性. 第20回運動と体温の研究会.若手発表部門奨励賞.(研究分担者)
2. 2008 筑波大学学長賞.(研究代表者)
3. 2009 車椅子利用者の健康関連QoL向上に向けた水中運動処方.第9回新潟医療福祉学会.優秀発表賞.(研究代表者)
4. 2010 Does the immersion affect cortical activation in human? :functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy study. XIth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming. Young Investigator Award. (研究代表者)
5. 2010 主観的努力度の変化が泳速度に及ぼす影響:クロールと平泳ぎの比較.日本体育学会体育方法専門分科会.最優秀賞.(研究分担者)
6. 2011 第11回新潟医療福祉学会.奨励賞.(研究代表者)
7. 2013 腋下浸水における流水刺激が一次運動野の興奮性に及ぼす影響. 第28回日本生体磁気学会.若手奨励賞.(研究代表者)
8. 2015 事前浸水が一次運動野の神経可塑性に及ぼす影響. 第66回日本体育学会.若手研究奨励賞.(研究代表者)
研究論文(英文)1. Ikarashi K, Sato D*, Edama M, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Yamashiro K. Fluctuation of fine motor skills throughout the menstrual cycle in women. Sci Rep. 2024; 14:15079.
2. Sato D, Ikarashi K, Nakajima F, Fujimoto T. Novel methodology for identifying the occurrence of ovulation by estimating core body temperature during sleeping. JMIR Formative Research 2024; 8:e55834.
3. Le Cong D, Sato D*. Ikarashi K, Ochi G, Fujimoto T, Yamashiro K. No effect of whole-hand water flow stimulation on skill acquisition and retention during sensorimotor adaptation. Front Hum Neurosci. 2024; 18:1398164.
4. Makibuchi T, Yamashiro K, Anazawa S, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Ikarashi K, Sato D. Assessing the effects of the topical application of L-Menthol on pain-related somatosensory-evoked potentials using intra-epidermal stimulation. Brain Sci. 2023; 13(6):918
5. Yamashiro K*, Shiiya K*, Ikarashi K, Anazawa S, Makibuchi T, Baba Y, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Omori G, Sato D. Reduced somatosensory evoked potentials and paired-pulse inhibition in the primary somatosensory cortex of athletes with chronic pain. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2023; 123(11):2537-2543.
6. Anazawa S, Yamashiro K*, Makibuchi T, Ikarashi K, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D. Sex differences in excitatory and inhibitory function in the primary somatosensory cortex during the early follicular phase: A preliminary study. Brain Sci. 2023; 13(5):761.
7. Yamashiro K, Ikarashi K, Makibuchi T, Anazawa S, Baba Y, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D. Transcranial high-frequency random noise stimulation does not modulate Nogo N2 and Go/Nogo reaction times in somatosensory and auditory modalities. Sci Rep. 2022; 13(1):3014.
8. Le Cong D, Sato D*, Ikarashi K, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Yamashiro K. Effect of whole-hand water flow stimulation on the neural balance between excitation and inhibition in the primary somatosensory cortex. Front Hum Neurosci. 2022; 16:962936.
9. Ikarashi K, Sato D*, Ochi G, Fujimoto T, Yamashiro K. Action postponing and restraint varies among sensory modalities. Brain Sci. 2022; 12(11):1530.
10. Ochi G, Kuwamizu R, Fujimoto T, Ikarashi K, Yamashiro K, Sato D. Does acute virtual reality exergaming enhance mood and executive function?: An exploratory crossover trial. JMIR Serious Games. 2022; 10(3):e38200.
11. Maruyama S, Sekine C, Shagawa M, Yokota H, Hirabayashi R, Togashi R, Yamada Y, Hamano R, Ito A, Sato D, Edama M. Menstrual cycle changes joint laxity in females—Differences between eumenorrhea and oligomenorrhea. J Clin Med. 2022; 11(11):3222.
12. Onishi H, Nagasaka K, Yokota H, Kojima S, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Sato D, Otsuru N. Association between somatosensory sensitivity and regional gray matter volume in healthy young volunteers: a voxel-based morphometry study. Cereb Cortex. 2023; 33(5):2001-2010
13. Aoki M, Yamazaki Y, Otsuka J, Okamoto Y, Takada S, Shirai N, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Amano T. Influence of heat exposure on motor control performance and learning as well as physiological responses to visuomotor accuracy tracking task. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022; 19(19):12328.
14. Shagawa M, Maruyama S, Sekine C, Yokota H, Hirabayashi R, Togashi R, Yamada Y, Osanami H, Sato D, Edama M. Knee laxity in the menstrual cycle after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022; 20(3):2277.
15. Ikarashi K, Sato D*, Fujimoto T, Edama M, Baba Y, Yamashiro K. Response inhibitory control varies with different sensory modalities. Cereb Cortex. 2022; 32(2):275-285.
16. Baba Y, Sato D, Otsuru N, Ikarashi K, Fujimoto T, Yamashiro K. Does long-term training in water immersion environment change interoception? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021; 18(19):10259.
17. Sasaki R, Otsuru N, Miyaguchi S, Kojima D, Watanabe H, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Sato D, Onishi H. Influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor genotype on short-latency afferent inhibition and motor cortex metabolites. Brain Sci. 2021; 11(3):395.
18. Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Shiiya K, Ikarashi K, Baba Y, Onishi H, Sato D. Modality-specific improvements in sensory processing among baseball players. Sci Rep. 2021; 11:2248.
19. Nara R, Ikeda Y, Shimojo H, Sato D, Ichikawa H, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y. Does different timing of hip and knee joint extension during take-off affect backstroke start performance? Sports Biomech. 2021; 1-12.
20. Ikarashi K, Sato D*, Iguchi K, Baba Y, Yamashiro K. Menstrual cycle modulates motor learning and memory consolidation in humans. Brain Sci. 2020; 10(10):696
21. Sato D, Yamazaki Y, Onishi H, Baba Y, Ikarashi K, Maruyama A. Elite competitive swimmers exhibit higher motor cortical inhibition and superior sensorimotor skills in a water environment. Behav Brain Res. 2020; 395:112835.
22. Yamanaka R*, Wakasawa S*, Yamashiro K, Kodama N, Sato D. Effect of resistance training of psoas major on performance in long-distance runners. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2020; 16(6):906-909.
23. Ikarashi K, Iguchi K, Yamazaki Y, Yamashiro K, Baba Y, Sato D. Influence of menstrual cycle phases on neural excitability in the primary somatosensory cortex and ankle joint position sense. Women’s Health Reports. 2020; 1(1):167-178.
24. Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yamashiro K, Nakano S, Onishi H, Maruyama A. Acute low-intensity aerobic exercise modulates intracortical inhibitory and excitatory circuits in an exercised and a non-exercised muscle in the primary motor cortex. Front Physiol. 2019; 10:1361.
25. Yamazaki Y, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Otsuru N, Kojima S, Saito K, Sato D. The modulation of inhibitory function in the primary somatosensory cortex and temporal discrimination threshold induced by acute aerobic exercise. Behav Brain Res. 2020; 377:112253.
26. Tochikura I, Sato D, Imoto D, Nuruki A, Yamashiro K, Funada R, Maruyama A. The relationship between higher coincident-timing task performance and eye movement in baseball players. Percept Mot Skills 2020; 127(3):571-586.
27. Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Ikarashi K, Onishi H, Baba Y, Maruyama A. Priming effects of water immersion on paired associative stimulation-induced neural plasticity in the primary motor cortex. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17(1):215.
28. Otsuru N, Miyaguchi S, Kojima S, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Yokota H, Saito K, Inukai Y, Onishi H. Timing of modulation of corticospinal excitability by heartbeat differes with interoceptive accuracy. Neuroscience. 2020; 433:156-162.
29. Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Otsuru N, Kirimoto H, Nakazawa S, Yamazaki Y, Shirozu H, Maruyama A. Change-driven M100 component in the bilateral secondary somatosensory cortex: A magnetoencephalographic study. Brain Top. 2019; 32(3):435-444.
30. Onishi H, Otsuru N, Kojima S, Miyaguchi S, Saito K, Inukai Y, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Variability and reliability of paired-pulse depression and cortical oscillation induced by median nerve stimulation. Brain Top. 2018; 31(5):780-794.
31. Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yamashiro K, Tsubaki A, Takehara N, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Maruyama A. Inter-individual differences in working memory improvement after acute mild and moderate aerobic exercise. Plos One. 2018; 13(12):e0210053.
32. Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sato D, Qin W, Kojima S, Onishi H. Effect of exercise duration on post-exercise persistence of oxyhemoglobin changes in the premotor cortex: a near-infrared spectroscopy study in moderate-intensity cycling exercise Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020; 1232:193-199.
33. Sato D, Yamazaki Y, Takahashi A, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Iguchi K, Baba Y, Nara R, Shimoyama Y. Water immersion decreases sympathetic skin response during color-word stroop test. Plos One. 2017; 12(7):e0180765.
34. Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Tsubaki A, Onishi H, Takehara N, Maruyama A. Site specificity of changes in cortical oxyhaemoglobin concentration induced by water immersion. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 977:233-240.
35. Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yamashiro K, Tsubaki A, Yamaguchi Y, Takehara N, Maruyama A. Inter-individual differences in exercise-induced spatial working memory improvement: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 977:81-88.
36. Tsubaki A, Takehara N, Sato D, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sugawara K, Kojima S, Tamaki H, Yamazaki Y, Onishi H. Cortical oxyhemoglobin elevation persists after moderate-intensity cycling exercise: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 977:261-268.
37. Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Inhibitory effect of intensity and inter-stimulus interval of conditioning stimuli on somatosensory evoked magnetic fields. Eur J Neurosci. 2016; 44(4): 2104-13.
38. Takehara N, Tsubaki A, Yamazaki Y, Kanaya C, Sato D, Morishita S, Kubo M, Onishi H. Changes in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex and primary motor cortex during low- and moderate-intensity exercise on a cycle ergometer. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 977:241-247.
39. Simeoni S*, Hannah R*, Sato D, Kawakami M, Gigli GL, Rothwell JC. Effects of quadripulse stimulation on human motor cortex excitability: a replication study. Brain Stimulation. Brain Stim. 2016; 9(1):148-50.
40. Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Nakazawa S, Shimojo H, Nakata H, Maruyama A. Skill-specific changes in somatosensory Nogo potentials in baseball players. PLoS ONE. 2015; 10(11);e0142581.
41. Tsubaki A, Takai H, Kojima S, Tokunaga Y, Miyaguchi S, Sugawara K, Sato D, Tamaki H, Onishi H. Correlation between the cerebral oxyhaemoglobin signal and physiological signals during cycling exercise: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016; 923:159-166.
42. Tsubaki A, Takai H, Kojima S, Miyaguchi S, Sugawara K, Sato D, Tamaki H, Onishi H. changes in cortical oxyhaemoglobin signal during low-intensity cycle ergometer activity: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016; 923:159-166.
43. Sato D, Seko C, Hashitomi T, Sengoku Y, Nomura T. Differential effects of water based exercise on the cognitive function in independent elderly adults. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2015; 27(2):149-59.
44. Sato D, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Baba Y, Nakazawa S, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Whole-body water flow stimulation to the lower limbs modulates excitability of primary motor cortical regions innervating the hands: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. PLoS ONE. 2014; 9(7): e102472.
45. Sato D, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Whole-hand water flow stimulation increases motor cortical excitability: A study of transcranial magnetic stimulation and movement-related cortical potentials. J Neurophysiol. 2014; 113(3):822-33.
46. Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Nakazawa S, Kameyama S, Maruyama A. Effect of changes in stimulus site on activation of the posterior parietal cortex. Brain Top. 2015; 28(2):261-8.
47. Sugiura H, Demura S, Kitabayashi T, Shimoyama Y, Sato D, Xu N, Asakura Y. Characteristics of static and dynamic balance abilities in competitive swimmers. Am J Sports Sci Med. 2014; 2(6), 208-211
48. Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Suzuki M, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Murakami H, Kameyama S. Effect of the number of pins and inter-pin distance on somatosensory evoked magnetic fields following mechanical tactile stimulation. Brain Res. 2013; 1535:78-88.
49. Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yoshida T, Onishi H, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Effects of water immersion on short- and long-latency afferent inhibition, short-interval intracortical inhibition, and intracortical facilitation. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013; 124(9):1846-52.
50. Jigami H, Sato D, Tsubaki A, Tokunaga Y, Ishikawa T, Dohmae Y, Iga T, Minato I, Yamamoto N, Endo N. Effects of weekly and fortnightly therapeutic exercise on physical function and health-related quality of life in individuals with hip osteoarthritis. J Orthop Sci. 2012; 17(6):737-744.
51. Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Yoshida T, Horiuchi Y, Nakazawa S, Maruyama A. Skill-specific changes in somatosensory-evoked potentials and reaction times in baseball players. Exp Brain Res. 2013; 225(2):197-203.
52. Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Suzuki M, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Murakami H, Kameyama S. Neuromagnetic activation following active and passive finger movements. Brain Behav 2013; 3(2):178-192.
53. Wakabayashi H, Arai S, Sengoku Y, Kaneda K, Sato D, Nomura T, Tochihara Y. Evaluation of children’s thermal sensation in an outdoor swimming pool during swimming class –Multiple effects of environment, morphological characteristics and swimwear condition–. Journal of Human-Environment System 2011; 14(1):1-7.
54. Sato D, Onishi H, Yamashiro K, Iwabe T, Maruyama A. Water immersion to the femur level affects cerebral cortical activity in human: functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Brain Top. 2012; 25(2):220-227.
55. Sato D, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Shimoyama Y, Yoshida T, Maruyama A. The effect of water immersion on short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials in human. BMC neurosci. 2012; 13(1):13.
56. Sato D, Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Shimoyama Y, Baba Y, Nomura T. Comparison of once and twice weekly water exercise on various bodily functions in community-dwelling frail elderly requiring nursing care. Arch Gerontol Geriatric 2011; 52:331-335.
57. Sato D, Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Nomura T. Comparison two-year effects of once-weekly and twice-weekly water exercise on health-related quality of life of community-dwelling frail elderly people at a day-service facility. Disability and Rehabilitation 2009; 31(2):84-93.
58. Sato D, Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Nomura T. Comparison of 2-year effects of once and twice weekly water exercise on activities of daily living ability of community dwelling frail elderly. Arch Gerontol Geriatric 2009; 49:123-128.
59. Kaneda K, Sato D, Wakabayashi H, Atsuko Hanai, Nomura T. A comparison of the effects of different water exercise programs on balance ability in elderly people. J Aging Phys Act . 2008; 16(4):381-92.
60. Kaneda K, Sato D, Wakabayashi H, Nomura T. EMG activity of hip and trunk muscles during deep-water running. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2009; 19:1064–1070.
61. Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Sato D, Nomura T. The lower extremity muscles activities during different types and speeds of underwater movement. J Physiol Anthropol 2008; 104(2):175-181.
62. Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Sato D, Tamotsu Uekusa, Nomura T. Lower extremity muscle activity during deep-water running on self-determined pace. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2008; 18(6):965-972.
63. Sato D, Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Nomura T. The water exercise improves health-related quality of life of frail elderly people at day service facility. Quality of Life Research 2007; 16:1577-1585.
研究論文(和文)1. 中澤翔,瀧澤一騎,厚東芳樹,山代幸哉,佐藤大輔,丸山敦夫. 長距離選手の走行距離と有酸素性作業能の関係--5000m走記録の追跡-. コーチング学研究 2017; 31(2):209-21.
2. 山代幸哉,佐藤大輔,大西秀明,中澤翔,下門洋文,山﨑雄大,丸山敦夫. テーピングが痛覚関連体性感覚電位に及ぼす影響. 体力科学. 2016; 65(4): 393-400.
3. 馬場康博, 佐藤大輔, 市川浩, 櫻岡まりえ, 奈良梨央, 下山好充. 平泳ぎ200 m イーブンペースにおけるストロークサイクルの速度変化. コーチング学研究. 2015; 29(1), 41-50.
4. 奈良梨央, 市川浩, 永野康治, 池田祐介, 佐藤大輔, 馬場康博, 下山好充. 重心-浮心間距離がけのびパフォーマンスおよび受動抵抗に与える影響. コーチング学研究. 2015; 2015; 29(1), 51-58.
5. 地神裕史,佐藤大輔,椿淳裕,佐藤成登志,徳永由太,石川知志,堂前洋一郎,伊賀敏明,湊泉,山本智章,遠藤直人. 保存療法を継続している変形性股関節症患者に対する低頻度運動療法が身体機能やQOLに与える影響. 運動・物理療法. 2011; 22(4):416-425.
6. 山代幸哉,佐藤大輔,吉田拓矢,石川知志,大西秀明,丸山敦夫. 伸縮性テーピングが長潜時体性感覚誘発電位に及ぼす影響. 体力科学. 2012; 61(3):307-312.
7. 佐藤大輔,金田晃一,若林斉,野村武男. 異なる運動頻度の水中運動が要介護認定者の起居・移乗移動動作に及ぼす影響. 体力科学. 2007; 56(1):141-148.
総説・解説1. 2021 Sato D. The unique neuromodulation using water immersion. Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare. 2021; 21(1):2-11.
2. 2019 佐藤大輔,山代幸哉. 浸水による中枢神経活動とニューロモデュレーションへの応用. 日本運動生理学雑誌 2020; 27(1):15-19.
3. 2018 佐藤大輔. 健康づくりを目的とした水泳のメリットとデメリット. 体力科学. 2019; 68(1):99-101.
4. 2018 佐藤大輔,山代幸哉,丸山敦夫. 新潟医療福祉大学 スポーツ神経生理学研究室. バイオメカニズム学会誌. 2018; 42(3):187-188.
5. 2017 Maruyama A, Yamashiro K, Sato D. Insights into motor learning from a viewpoint of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare. 2017; 17(1):1-11.
6. 2016 Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Cortical magnetic activation following voluntary movement and several types of somatosensory stimulation. J Phys Fitness Sports Med. 2016; 5(4):275-286.
7. 2015 佐藤大輔. 水泳時の筋の動員と脳調節. 体育の科学. 2016; 66(2):111-116.
科学研究費1. 2024-2027 基盤研究(B) 運動記憶を忘却する神経基盤の解明-忘却が誘う運動学習イノベーションー
2. 2021-2023 基盤研究(B) 皮質-基底核ループの抑制機能を高め、技能定着を促進する運動学習パラダイムの開発
3. 2019-2021 挑戦的研究(萌芽) 水中環境における自己身体認知を高める教育支援システムの開発
4. 2018-2020 基盤研究(B) 大脳基底核コリン作用を高め運動学習を促進する浸水ニューロモデュレーションの開発
5. 2015-2017 挑戦的研究(萌芽) 水中運動時の末梢および中枢循環応答の解明-心血管系イベントのリスク管理指標作成-
6. 2011-2012 若手研究 浸水が体性感覚野および運動関連領野の興奮性に及ぼす影響
7. 2009-2010 その他 要介助者の個人的特性に応じたオーダーメイド水中運動プログラムの開発
8. 2022-2024 挑戦的研究(萌芽) 先端的ヒューマンセンシング・フィードバック技術を用いた新たな水泳指導法の開発
9. 2021-2025 基盤研究(B) アスリートのクローズド・オープンスキルに関する新たな評価システムの開発研究
10. 2019-2021 基盤研究(C) ヒトは水中環境で自身の身体動作をどの程度再現できるのか?単関節動作による検討
11. 2010 その他 The immersion increases cortical activation in human; functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy study
共同研究・受託研究 等1. 2023-2024 企業 受託 海岸清掃活動の身体活動量と健康づくりへの応用可能性
2. 2022 その他 海岸清掃による心身機能の変化
3. 2021-2023 企業 共同 月経周期による体温変化と人の神経機能に関する研究
4. 2019-2020 その他 月経周期におけるコンディション不良に対する運動器機能と中枢神経機能からアプローチする新たなトレーニング法・傷害予防法の開発
5. 2009 その他 浸水時の大脳皮質活動に関する基礎的研究 ~脳の可塑性を導く入浴法の開発を目指して~
学会等研究発表1. 益戸亮輔、塗木淳夫、野辺知弘 、塚田匠海、五十嵐小雪、塗木ひかる、山代幸哉、越智元太、藤本知臣、佐藤大輔. 技能定着局面における意図的抑制は運動技能の定着を促進するか? 第17回Motor Control研究会 2023/8/24-26
2. 益戸亮輔、塗木淳夫、野辺知弘 、塚田匠海、五十嵐小雪、塗木ひかる、山代幸哉、越智元太、藤本知臣、佐藤大輔. 運動技能および運動学習能と順行性抑制機能との関連性. 第31回日本運動生理学会. 2023/8/23-24
3. Sato D. Water immersion for promoting sensorimotor neurophysiology. 2024 International Conference on Evidence Based Aquatic Therapy. 2024/6/21-23
4. Masuto R, Nuruki A, Nobe T, Tsukada T, Ikarashi K, Nuruki H, Yamashiro K, Ochi G, Fujimoto T, Sato D. Retrieval inhibition during sensorimotor consolidation modulates memory retention. FENS Forum 2024. 2024/6/25-29
5. Ikarashi K, Sato D, Anazawa S, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Yamashiro K. Inhibitory control for food throughout the menstrual cycle. FENS Forum 2024. 2024/6/25-29
学会・職能団体の委員1. 2023 日本介護福祉・健康づくり学会 学術委員会委員
2. 2023 新潟県水泳連盟 指導者委員会委員
3. 2023 国立大学法人筑波大学ヒューマン・ハイ・パフォーマンス先端研究センター 外部委員
公開講座・講演会等1. 2023 基礎水泳指導員・水泳コーチ1養成講習会 水泳指導者・初心者水泳指導法 講師 新潟県水泳連盟 資格取得希望者 柏崎市・中央地区コミュニティーセンター 2023/07/02
2. 2023 こころとからだの健康づくり講座 運動の重要性と水中運動「運動の重要性を知って、始めよう、続けよう運動」 講師 スポーツメディア株式会社 地域住民 妙高市・ほっとアリーナ妙高高原 2023/07/08
3. 2023 基礎水泳指導員・水泳コーチ1養成講習会 水泳指導実習 講師 新潟県水泳連盟 資格取得希望者 新潟市・アクシー中央 2023/10/15
4. 2023 基礎水泳指導員・水泳コーチ1検定会 水泳指導者・初心者水泳指導法 検定員 新潟県水泳連盟 資格取得希望者 長岡市・ダイエープロビスフェニックスプール 2023/10/29
5. 2023 介護予防における大学との連携事業 体力・認知機能測定 講師 新潟県 地域住民 新発田市・上本田地区公民館 2023/11/20
6. 2023 介護予防における大学との連携事業 体力・認知機能測定 講師 新潟県 地域住民 新発田市・上鉄旭地区公民館 2023/11/27
7. 2024 介護予防ミニ講演会 『お互いさま』で健康・元気-ギブアンドテイクの大切さ- 講師 新発田市 地域住民 新発田市・健康長寿アクティブ交流センター 2024/8/2
TV・ラジオ出演、新聞・一般雑誌掲載等1. 2023 TVコマーシャル BSNテレビ 海と日本プロジェクト in 新潟 2023/10/30


Research AreasExercise neurophysiology
Research IntroductionOur Lab. specializes in devising new techniques to promote motor learning and memory based on the new knowledge about the human sensory and motor system in healthy volunteers. Recently, we have been going on some research projects to archive our goals. First, we've examined neurophysiological and behavioral fluctuation across menstrual cycle in females. We hope to develop useful edge-devise to control psychological and physiological health in all females by themselves. Second, we've explored more efficient and effective motor learning methods based on experimental results in human neurophysiological researches. Third, we've examined the specific neural plastic alterations in sport athletes. Our Lab. has enough experience in the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near infra-red spectroscopy (fNIRS) to study neural activities in human.
Books・Does water exercise prevent from nursing care? Hand book of trendy sports science. Kodansha. 2017 (in Japanese)
Papers1. 2024 Ikarashi K, Sato D*, Edama M, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Yamashiro K. Fluctuation of fine motor skills throughout the menstrual cycle in women. Sci Rep. 2024; 14:15079.
2. 2024 Sato D, Ikarashi K, Nakajima F, Fujimoto T. Novel methodology for identifying the occurrence of ovulation by estimating core body temperature during sleeping. JMIR Formative Research 2024; 8:e55834.
3. 2024 Le Cong D, Sato D*. Ikarashi K, Ochi G, Fujimoto T, Yamashiro K. No effect of whole-hand water flow stimulation on skill acquisition and retention during sensorimotor adaptation. Front Hum Neurosci. 2024; 18:1398164.
4. 2023 Makibuchi T, Yamashiro K, Anazawa S, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Ikarashi K, Sato D. Assessing the effects of the topical application of L-Menthol on pain-related somatosensory-evoked potentials using intra-epidermal stimulation. Brain Sci. 2023; 13(6):918
5. 2023 Yamashiro K*, Shiiya K*, Ikarashi K, Anazawa S, Makibuchi T, Baba Y, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Omori G, Sato D. Reduced somatosensory evoked potentials and paired-pulse inhibition in the primary somatosensory cortex of athletes with chronic pain. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2023; 123(11):2537-2543.
6. 2023 Anazawa S, Yamashiro K*, Makibuchi T, Ikarashi K, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D. Sex differences in excitatory and inhibitory function in the primary somatosensory cortex during the early follicular phase: A preliminary study. Brain Sci. 2023; 13(5):761.
7. 2022 Yamashiro K, Ikarashi K, Makibuchi T, Anazawa S, Baba Y, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Sato D. Transcranial high-frequency random noise stimulation does not modulate Nogo N2 and Go/Nogo reaction times in somatosensory and auditory modalities. Sci Rep. 2022; 13(1):3014.
8. 2022 Le Cong D, Sato D*, Ikarashi K, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Yamashiro K. Effect of whole-hand water flow stimulation on the neural balance between excitation and inhibition in the primary somatosensory cortex. Front Hum Neurosci. 2022; 16:962936.
9. 2022 Ikarashi K, Sato D*, Ochi G, Fujimoto T, Yamashiro K. Action postponing and restraint varies among sensory modalities. Brain Sci. 2022; 12(11):1530.
10. 2022 Ochi G, Kuwamizu R, Fujimoto T, Ikarashi K, Yamashiro K, Sato D. Does acute virtual reality exergaming enhance mood and executive function?: An exploratory crossover trial. JMIR Serious Games. 2022; 10(3):e38200.
11. 2022 Maruyama S, Sekine C, Shagawa M, Yokota H, Hirabayashi R, Togashi R, Yamada Y, Hamano R, Ito A, Sato D, Edama M. Menstrual cycle changes joint laxity in females—Differences between eumenorrhea and oligomenorrhea. J Clin Med. 2022; 11(11):3222.
12. 2022 Onishi H, Nagasaka K, Yokota H, Kojima S, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Sato D, Otsuru N. Association between somatosensory sensitivity and regional gray matter volume in healthy young volunteers: a voxel-based morphometry study. Cereb Cortex. 2023; 33(5):2001-2010
13. 2022 Aoki M, Yamazaki Y, Otsuka J, Okamoto Y, Takada S, Shirai N, Fujimoto T, Ochi G, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Amano T. Influence of heat exposure on motor control performance and learning as well as physiological responses to visuomotor accuracy tracking task. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022; 19(19):12328.
14. 2022 Shagawa M, Maruyama S, Sekine C, Yokota H, Hirabayashi R, Togashi R, Yamada Y, Osanami H, Sato D, Edama M. Knee laxity in the menstrual cycle after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022; 20(3):2277.
15. 2021 Ikarashi K, Sato D*, Fujimoto T, Edama M, Baba Y, Yamashiro K. Response inhibitory control varies with different sensory modalities. Cereb Cortex. 2022; 32(2):275-285.
16. 2021 Baba Y, Sato D, Otsuru N, Ikarashi K, Fujimoto T, Yamashiro K. Does long-term training in water immersion environment change interoception? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021; 18(19):10259.
17. 2020 Sasaki R, Otsuru N, Miyaguchi S, Kojima D, Watanabe H, Ohno K, Sakurai N, Kodama N, Sato D, Onishi H. Influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor genotype on short-latency afferent inhibition and motor cortex metabolites. Brain Sci. 2021; 11(3):395.
18. 2020 Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Shiiya K, Ikarashi K, Baba Y, Onishi H, Sato D. Modality-specific improvements in sensory processing among baseball players. Sci Rep. 2021; 11:2248.
19. 2020 Nara R, Ikeda Y, Shimojo H, Sato D, Ichikawa H, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y. Does different timing of hip and knee joint extension during take-off affect backstroke start performance? Sports Biomech. 2021; 1-12.
20. 2020 Ikarashi K, Sato D*, Iguchi K, Baba Y, Yamashiro K. Menstrual cycle modulates motor learning and memory consolidation in humans. Brain Sci. 2020; 10(10):696
21. 2020 Sato D, Yamazaki Y, Onishi H, Baba Y, Ikarashi K, Maruyama A. Elite competitive swimmers exhibit higher motor cortical inhibition and superior sensorimotor skills in a water environment. Behav Brain Res. 2020; 395:112835.
22. 2020 Yamanaka R*, Wakasawa S*, Yamashiro K, Kodama N, Sato D. Effect of resistance training of psoas major on performance in long-distance runners. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2020; 16(6):906-909.
23. 2020 Ikarashi K, Iguchi K, Yamazaki Y, Yamashiro K, Baba Y, Sato D. Influence of menstrual cycle phases on neural excitability in the primary somatosensory cortex and ankle joint position sense. Women’s Health Reports. 2020; 1(1):167-178.
24. 2019 Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yamashiro K, Nakano S, Onishi H, Maruyama A. Acute low-intensity aerobic exercise modulates intracortical inhibitory and excitatory circuits in an exercised and a non-exercised muscle in the primary motor cortex. Front Physiol. 2019; 10:1361.
25. 2019 Yamazaki Y, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Otsuru N, Kojima S, Saito K, Sato D. The modulation of inhibitory function in the primary somatosensory cortex and temporal discrimination threshold induced by acute aerobic exercise. Behav Brain Res. 2020; 377:112253.
26. 2019 Tochikura I, Sato D, Imoto D, Nuruki A, Yamashiro K, Funada R, Maruyama A. The relationship between higher coincident-timing task performance and eye movement in baseball players. Percept Mot Skills 2020; 127(3):571-586.
27. 2019 Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Ikarashi K, Onishi H, Baba Y, Maruyama A. Priming effects of water immersion on paired associative stimulation-induced neural plasticity in the primary motor cortex. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17(1):215.
28. 2019 Otsuru N, Miyaguchi S, Kojima S, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Yokota H, Saito K, Inukai Y, Onishi H. Timing of modulation of corticospinal excitability by heartbeat differes with interoceptive accuracy. Neuroscience. 2020; 433:156-162.
29. 2018 Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Otsuru N, Kirimoto H, Nakazawa S, Yamazaki Y, Shirozu H, Maruyama A. Change-driven M100 component in the bilateral secondary somatosensory cortex: A magnetoencephalographic study. Brain Top. 2019; 32(3):435-444.
30. 2018 Onishi H, Otsuru N, Kojima S, Miyaguchi S, Saito K, Inukai Y, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Variability and reliability of paired-pulse depression and cortical oscillation induced by median nerve stimulation. Brain Top. 2018; 31(5):780-794.
31. 2018 Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yamashiro K, Tsubaki A, Takehara N, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Maruyama A. Inter-individual differences in working memory improvement after acute mild and moderate aerobic exercise. Plos One. 2018; 13(12):e0210053.
32. 2018 Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sato D, Qin W, Kojima S, Onishi H. Effect of exercise duration on post-exercise persistence of oxyhemoglobin changes in the premotor cortex: a near-infrared spectroscopy study in moderate-intensity cycling exercise Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020; 1232:193-199.
33. 2017 Sato D, Yamazaki Y, Takahashi A, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Iguchi K, Baba Y, Nara R, Shimoyama Y. Water immersion decreases sympathetic skin response during color-word stroop test. Plos One. 2017; 12(7):e0180765.
34. 2016 Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yamazaki Y, Tsubaki A, Onishi H, Takehara N, Maruyama A. Site specificity of changes in cortical oxyhaemoglobin concentration induced by water immersion. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 977:233-240.
35. 2016 Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yamashiro K, Tsubaki A, Yamaguchi Y, Takehara N, Maruyama A. Inter-individual differences in exercise-induced spatial working memory improvement: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 977:81-88.
36. 2016 Tsubaki A, Takehara N, Sato D, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sugawara K, Kojima S, Tamaki H, Yamazaki Y, Onishi H. Cortical oxyhemoglobin elevation persists after moderate-intensity cycling exercise: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 977:261-268.
37. 2016 Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Shirozu H, Kameyama S. Inhibitory effect of intensity and inter-stimulus interval of conditioning stimuli on somatosensory evoked magnetic fields. Eur J Neurosci. 2016; 44(4): 2104-13.
38. 2016 Takehara N, Tsubaki A, Yamazaki Y, Kanaya C, Sato D, Morishita S, Kubo M, Onishi H. Changes in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex and primary motor cortex during low- and moderate-intensity exercise on a cycle ergometer. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 977:241-247.
39. 2015 Simeoni S*, Hannah R*, Sato D, Kawakami M, Gigli GL, Rothwell JC. Effects of quadripulse stimulation on human motor cortex excitability: a replication study. Brain Stimulation. Brain Stim. 2016; 9(1):148-50.
40. 2015 Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Nakazawa S, Shimojo H, Nakata H, Maruyama A. Skill-specific changes in somatosensory Nogo potentials in baseball players. PLoS ONE. 2015; 10(11);e0142581.
41. 2015 Tsubaki A, Takai H, Kojima S, Tokunaga Y, Miyaguchi S, Sugawara K, Sato D, Tamaki H, Onishi H. Correlation between the cerebral oxyhaemoglobin signal and physiological signals during cycling exercise: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016; 923:159-166.
42. 2015 Tsubaki A, Takai H, Kojima S, Miyaguchi S, Sugawara K, Sato D, Tamaki H, Onishi H. changes in cortical oxyhaemoglobin signal during low-intensity cycle ergometer activity: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016; 923:159-166.
43. 2014 Sato D, Seko C, Hashitomi T, Sengoku Y, Nomura T. Differential effects of water based exercise on the cognitive function in independent elderly adults. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2015; 27(2):149-59.
44. 2014 Sato D, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Baba Y, Nakazawa S, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Whole-body water flow stimulation to the lower limbs modulates excitability of primary motor cortical regions innervating the hands: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. PLoS ONE. 2014; 9(7): e102472.
45. 2014 Sato D, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Baba Y, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Whole-hand water flow stimulation increases motor cortical excitability: A study of transcranial magnetic stimulation and movement-related cortical potentials. J Neurophysiol. 2014; 113(3):822-33.
46. 2014 Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Sugawara K, Nakazawa S, Kameyama S, Maruyama A. Effect of changes in stimulus site on activation of the posterior parietal cortex. Brain Top. 2015; 28(2):261-8.
47. 2014 Sugiura H, Demura S, Kitabayashi T, Shimoyama Y, Sato D, Xu N, Asakura Y. Characteristics of static and dynamic balance abilities in competitive swimmers. Am J Sports Sci Med. 2014; 2(6), 208-211
48. 2013 Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Suzuki M, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Murakami H, Kameyama S. Effect of the number of pins and inter-pin distance on somatosensory evoked magnetic fields following mechanical tactile stimulation. Brain Res. 2013; 1535:78-88.
49. 2012 Sato D, Yamashiro K, Yoshida T, Onishi H, Shimoyama Y, Maruyama A. Effects of water immersion on short- and long-latency afferent inhibition, short-interval intracortical inhibition, and intracortical facilitation. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013; 124(9):1846-52.
50. 2012 Jigami H, Sato D, Tsubaki A, Tokunaga Y, Ishikawa T, Dohmae Y, Iga T, Minato I, Yamamoto N, Endo N. Effects of weekly and fortnightly therapeutic exercise on physical function and health-related quality of life in individuals with hip osteoarthritis. J Orthop Sci. 2012; 17(6):737-744.
51. 2012 Yamashiro K, Sato D, Onishi H, Yoshida T, Horiuchi Y, Nakazawa S, Maruyama A. Skill-specific changes in somatosensory-evoked potentials and reaction times in baseball players. Exp Brain Res. 2013; 225(2):197-203.
52. 2012 Onishi H, Sugawara K, Yamashiro K, Sato D, Suzuki M, Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Murakami H, Kameyama S. Neuromagnetic activation following active and passive finger movements. Brain Behav 2013; 3(2):178-192.
53. 2011 Wakabayashi H, Arai S, Sengoku Y, Kaneda K, Sato D, Nomura T, Tochihara Y. Evaluation of children’s thermal sensation in an outdoor swimming pool during swimming class –Multiple effects of environment, morphological characteristics and swimwear condition–. Journal of Human-Environment System 2011; 14(1):1-7.
54. 2011 Sato D, Onishi H, Yamashiro K, Iwabe T, Maruyama A. Water immersion to the femur level affects cerebral cortical activity in human: functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Brain Top. 2012; 25(2):220-227.
55. 2011 Sato D, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Shimoyama Y, Yoshida T, Maruyama A. The effect of water immersion on short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials in human. BMC neurosci. 2012; 13(1):13.
56. 2010 Sato D, Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Shimoyama Y, Baba Y, Nomura T. Comparison of once and twice weekly water exercise on various bodily functions in community-dwelling frail elderly requiring nursing care. Arch Gerontol Geriatric 2011; 52:331-335.
57. 2009 Sato D, Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Nomura T. Comparison two-year effects of once-weekly and twice-weekly water exercise on health-related quality of life of community-dwelling frail elderly people at a day-service facility. Disability and Rehabilitation 2009; 31(2):84-93.
58. 2009 Sato D, Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Nomura T. Comparison of 2-year effects of once and twice weekly water exercise on activities of daily living ability of community dwelling frail elderly. Arch Gerontol Geriatric 2009; 49:123-128.
59. 2008 Kaneda K, Sato D, Wakabayashi H, Atsuko Hanai, Nomura T. A comparison of the effects of different water exercise programs on balance ability in elderly people. J Aging Phys Act . 2008; 16(4):381-92.
60. 2009 Kaneda K, Sato D, Wakabayashi H, Nomura T. EMG activity of hip and trunk muscles during deep-water running. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2009; 19:1064–1070.
61. 2008 Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Sato D, Nomura T. The lower extremity muscles activities during different types and speeds of underwater movement. J Physiol Anthropol 2008; 104(2):175-181.
62. 2008 Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Sato D, Tamotsu Uekusa, Nomura T. Lower extremity muscle activity during deep-water running on self-determined pace. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2008; 18(6):965-972.
63. 2007 Sato D, Kaneda K, Wakabayashi H, Nomura T. The water exercise improves health-related quality of life of frail elderly people at day service facility. Quality of Life Research 2007; 16:1577-1585.
・Response inhibitory control varies with different sensory modalities. Cereb Cortex 2022;32(2):275-285

・Does long-term training in water immersion environment change interoception? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(19):10259

・The unique neuromodulation using water immersion. Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare 2021;21(1):2-11

・Elite competitive swimmers exhibit higher motor cortical inhibition and superior sensorimotor skills in a water environment. Behavioural Brain Research. 2020;395:112835

・Menstrual cycle modulates motor learning and memory consolidation in humans. Brain Sciences. 2020;10(10):696

・Priming effects of water immersion on paired associative stimulation-induced neural plasticity in the primary motor cortex. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(1), 215. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17010215.

・Acute low-intensity aerobic exercise modulates intracortical inhibitory and excitatory circuits in an exercised and a non-exercised muscle in the primary motor cortex. Frontiers in Physiology 2019;10:1361.

・The modulation of inhibitory function in the primary somatosensory cortex and temporal discrimination threshold induced by acute aerobic exercise. Behavioral Brain Research 2019;377:112253.

・Water immersion decreases sympathetic skin response during color-word stroop test. Plos One. 2017;12(7):e0180765. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180765.

・Site specificity of changes in cortical oxyhaemoglobin concentration induced by water immersion. Adv Exp Med Biol 2017;977:233-240.

・Whole-hand water flow stimulation increases motor cortical excitability: A study of transcranial magnetic stimulation and movement-related cortical potentials. Journal of Neurophysiology 2015;113(3):822-33.