


Department of Physical Therapy

澤田 純明写真

Faculty of Rehabilitation/Department of Physical Therapy

Junmei Sawada



資格2020年度 死体解剖資格




著書1. 北上山地に日本更新世人類化石を探るー岩手県大迫町アバクチ・風穴洞穴遺跡の発掘ー. 百々幸雄・瀧川渉・澤田純明 東北大学出版会, 2003
2. Junmei Sawada, Nguyen Kim Thuy and Nguyen Anh Tuan. Man Bac: the Excavation of a Neolithic Site in Northern Vietnam Faunal Remains at Man Bac Marc F. Oxenham, Hirofumi Matsumura and Nguyen Kim Dung (eds.) ANU E Press, 2011 105-116
3. Takeji Toizumi, Nguyen Kim Thuy and Junmei Sawada. Man Bac: the Excavation of a Neolithic Site in Northern Vietnam Fish Remains at Man Bac Marc F. Oxenham, Hirofumi Matsumura and Nguyen Kim Dung (eds.) ANU E Press, 2011 117-126
4. 澤田純明 骨考古学と蝦夷・隼人 焼骨からわかること —ミクロ形態学によるヒトと動物の識別— 瀧川渉 同成社, 2012, 東京 89-94
5. 青森県下北郡東通村 尻労安部洞窟I 2001~2012年度発掘調査報告書. 奈良貴史・渡辺丈彦・澤田純明・澤浦亮平・佐藤孝雄 六一書房, 2015 65-80
6. 澤田純明. 東北の古代史1 北の原始時代 東北縄文時代人の身体—顔つき、体格、身長— 阿子島香 吉川弘文館, 2015, 東京. 172-173
7. Junmei Sawada, Emiri Miyama, Shinya Wataanbe, Shinji Kubota. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China Paleopathological Description of the Huiyaotian Human Remains Matsumura H, Hung H, Li Z, Shinoda K. Bio-Archaeological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherers Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China, pp. 65-80, National Museum of Nature and Science, 2017, Tokyo. 65-80
8. Junmei Sawada. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China Paleopathological Description of the Liyupo Human Remains Matsumura H, Hung H, Li Z, Shinoda K. In: Matsumura H, Hung H, Li Z, Shinoda K. (Eds.), Bio-Archaeological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherers Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China, pp. 129-142, National Museum of Nature and Science, 2017, Tokyo. 129-142
9. Junmei Sawada. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China Health Profiles of the Huiyaotian and Liyupo Hunter-Gatherers Matsumura H, Hung H, Li Z, Shinoda K. In: Matsumura H, Hung H, Li Z, Shinoda K. (Eds.), Bio-Archaeological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherers Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China, pp. 191-198, National Museum of Nature and Science, 2017, Tokyo. 191-198
10. 澤田純明 東北日本の旧石器時代 旧石器時代の動物考古学をめぐる諸問題 東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会編 六一書房, 2018, 東京. 35-46
11. 澤田純明・鵜澤和宏. 河姆渡と良渚:中国稲作文明の起源 良渚遺跡群から出土した特異な加工人骨群 中村慎一・劉斌 雄山閣, 2020, 東京. 317-321
研究論文(英文)1. Sawada J, Kondo O, Nara T, Dodo Y, Akazawa T. Bone histomorphology of the Dederiyeh Neanderthal child. Anthropological Science, 2004 112, 247-256.
2. Sawada J, Suzuki T, Yoneda M, Sato M, Hirata K, Dodo Y. Severe developmental defects of enamel in a human skeleton of the Final Jomon age from the Nakazawahama shell-mound, Iwate, Japan. Anthropological Science, 2008 116: 115-121.
3. Hamada Y, Sawada J, Cho F, Won MH, Hyun BH. Tubular anomalous bones found in both thighs of a long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). Primates, 2012 53: 25-30.
4. Noboru Adachi, Ken-ichi Shinoda, Kazuo Umetsu, Takashi Kitano, Hirofumi Matsumura, Ryuzo Fujiyama, Junmei Sawada, Masashi Tanaka. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Hokkaido Jomon Skeletons: Remnants of Archaic Maternal Lineages at the Southwestern Edge of Former Beringia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2011 146: 346-360.
5. Noboru Adachi, Junmei Sawada, Minoru Yoneda, Koichi Kobayashi, Shigeru Itoh. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the human skeleton of the initial Jomon phase excavated at the Yugura cave site, Nagano, Japan. Anthropological Science, 2013 121: 137-143.
6. Takumi Tsutaya, Junmei Sawada, Yukio Dodo, Hitoshi Mukai, Minoru Yoneda. Isotopic evidence of dietary variability in subadults at the Usu-moshiri site of the Epi-Jomon culture, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2013 40: 3914-3925.
7. Junmei Sawada. Mammal remains from the Hoa Diem site. The Excavation of Hoa Diem in Central Vietnam (Showa Women's University Institute of International Culture Bulletin Vol.17, 2012), 2013 17: 226-233.
8. Junmei Sawada, Takashi Nara, Jun-ichi Fukui, Yukio Dodo, Kazuaki Hirata . Histomorphological species identification of tiny bone fragments from a Paleolithic site in the Northern Japanese Archipelago. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2014 46: 270-280.
9. Takumi Tsutaya, Tomohito Nagaoka, Junmei Sawada, Kazuaki Hirata, Minoru Yoneda. Stable isotopic reconstructions of adult diets and infant feeding practices during urbanization of the city of Edo in 17th century Japan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2014 153: 559-569.
10. Hajime Komiya, Junmei Sawada, Fumiko Saeki, Takao Sato. Morphological characteristics of buried dog remains excavated from the Kamikuroiwa Rock Shelter site, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Anthropological Science, 2015 123: 73-85.
11. Takashi Gakuhari, Hajime Komiya, Junmei Sawada, Tomoko Anezaki, Takao Sato, Kenichi Kobayashi, Shigeru Itoh, Koichi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Kunio Yoshida, Minoru Yoneda. Radiocarbon dating of one human and two dog burials from the Kamikuroiwa rock shelter site, Ehime Prefecture. Anthropological Science, 2015 123: 87-94.
12. Fumiko Saeki, Junmei Sawada, Toshihiko Suzuki, Yuka Hatano, Ken-ishi Shinoda. Morphological and paleopathological report of the Late Jomon human remains from the Daizen-no-minami site, Chiba Prefecture. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series D (Anthropology), 2017 48: 17-31.
13. Sawaura R, Sawada J, Sato T, Suzuki T, Sasaki K. Late Pleistocene hares of the Japanese archipelago: Paleobiogeographic implication at the Last Glacial Maximum. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2018 28: 179-187.
14. Hattori T, Sawada J, Kanomata Y, Akoshima K, Sato T. Animal utilization of the Epi-Jomon and Okhotsk cultures in Sakhalin: A zooarchaeological analysis of the Nobuo Ito Collection. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum, 2021 20: 41-66.
15. Hagihara Y, Ohtani T, Hatano Y, Yoneda M, Suzuki T, Saeki F, Sawada J, Koibuchi R, Nara T Heian-period human skeletal remains from the Shomyoji shell midden in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture Anthropological Science 2019 127: 149-158
研究論文(和文)1. 澤田純明. 微小骨片がヒトか動物かを識別する -骨のミクロ形態学的研究-. 考古学ジャーナル, 2013 645: 25-29.
2. 佐伯史子, 安達登, 米田穣, 鈴木敏彦, 澤田純明, 他6名. 大船渡市野々前貝塚縄文時代人骨の形態人類学的および理化学的分析. Anthropological Science (Japanese Series), 2016 123: 73-85.
3. 澤田純明. ストレスマーカーから探る過去の人々の健康状態. 季刊考古学, 2018 143:43-46.
4. 澤田純明. 人骨のミクロ・マクロ形態分析による生活環境復元. 考古学ジャーナル, 2018 714: 10-14.
5. 澤田純明・福井淳一・高畠孝宗. 道北更新世人類化石探索の予備的調査報告. 枝幸研究, 2019 10: 13-23.
6. 澤田純明・吉永亜紀子. 上黒岩岩陰と縄文草創期の動物利用. 別冊季刊考古学, 2020 34: 32-35.
科学研究費1. 1350万円 基盤研究(B) 日本列島で土器を使い始めた人々の形態・遺伝子・食性・健康状態を解明する.
2. 1450万円 その他 東南アジア大陸部における後期更新世人類の環境適応の解明.
3. 1220万円 基盤研究(B) 東南アジア大陸部に おける家畜化プロセ スの総合的解明.
4. 1310万円 基盤研究(B) 土器出現期の日本列島人類を探る.
5. 480万円 挑戦的研究(萌芽) Spring-8のマイクロCTを利用した福井洞窟出土縄文草創期焼骨群の種同定.
6. 250万円 その他 北海道の石灰岩地帯で更新世人類化石を探索する
学会等研究発表1. Junmei Sawada, Kazuhiro Uzawa, Takeji Toizumi, Fumiko Saeki, Yuzo Yanagita, Minoru Yoneda Nondestructive histomorphological species identification of burned bone fragments from the Late Pleistocene using high-resolution X-ray CT at SPring-8 in Japan ICAZ 2023 (14th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference) 2023年8月7日〜8月12日
2. Junmei SAWADA, Kazuhiro UZAWA, Minoru YONEDA, Yu ITAHASHI, Takashi GAKUHARI, Shinji KUBOTA, Liu BIN, Wang NINGYUAN, Chen MINGHUI, Wang YONGLEI, Song SHU, Kenji OKAZAKI, Hirofumi TAKAMUKU, Hirotaka TOMITA, Yasuo HAGIHARA, Fumiko SAEKI, Takashi NARA, Shinichi NAKAMURA Human bone artifacts from the late Neolithic Liangzhu site complex SEAA9 (Ninth Worldwide Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology) 2022年6月29日-7月3日
3. Junmei Sawada, Masaki Eda, Hitomi Hongo, Takao Sato, Ryohei Takahashi, Takeji Toizumi, Minoru Yoneda, Taichi Hattori, Ryohei Sawaura, Eisuke Yamada The hunting strategy in the Hoabinhian period of northern Vietnam 13th ICAZ International Conference 2018年9月2日-7日
学会・職能団体の委員1. 動物考古学編集委員
2. 東南アジア考古学会運営委員
公開講座・講演会等1. 2022 北東北歴史懇話会シンポジウム「縄文から「エミシ」、アイヌへ」 「エミシ」の実体はどこまで明らかになったか?− 自然人類学の近年の成果より − シンポジスト 北東北歴史懇話会 一般 オンライン 2022年11月12日
2. 2017 開館25周年企画展「縄文人のからだのひみつ」関連企画 縄文村講演会 縄文人の顔とからだ シンポジスト 奥松島縄文村歴史資料館 一般 宮城県東松島市 2018年1月28日
3. 2017 2017年度平出歴史大学 先史時代の生・老・病・死 講師 平出博物館 一般 長野県塩尻市 2017年12月17日
4. 2017 オホーツクミュージアムえさし講演会 枝幸町で旧石器時代の人類化石は見つかるのか?−リキピリ洞穴の謎に迫る− 講師 オホーツクミュージアムえさし 一般 北海道枝幸町 2017年5月2日


Research AreasAnthropology, Anatomy, Archaeozoology
Research IntroductionThrough anthropological studies of human remains excavated from archaeological sites, we are trying to find out people's lives in the past.
Books(1) Junmei Sawada, Nguyen Kim Thuy and Nguyen Anh Tuan. Faunal Remains at Man Bac. Marc F. Oxenham, Hirofumi Matsumura and Nguyen Kim Dung (eds.) Man Bac: the Excavation of a Neolithic Site in Northern Vietnam, pp. 105-116, ANU E Press, 2011, Canberra.

(2) Takeji Toizumi, Nguyen Kim Thuy and Junmei Sawada. Fish Remains at Man Bac. Marc F. Oxenham, Hirofumi Matsumura and Nguyen Kim Dung (eds.) Man Bac: the Excavation of a Neolithic Site in Northern Vietnam, pp. 117-126, ANU E Press, 2011, Canberra.

(3) Junmei Sawada, Emiri Miyama, Shinya Wataanbe, Shinji Kubota. Paleopathological description of the Huiyaotian human remains. In: Matsumura H, Hung H, Li Z, Shinoda K. (Eds.), Bio-Archaeological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherers Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China, pp. 65-80, National Museum of Nature and Science, 2017, Tokyo.

(4) Junmei Sawada. Paleopathological description of the Liyupo human remains. In: Matsumura H, Hung H, Li Z, Shinoda K. (Eds.), Bio-Archaeological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherers Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China, pp. 129-142, National Museum of Nature and Science, 2017, Tokyo.

(5) Junmei Sawada.Health Profiles of the Huiyaotian adn Liyupo Hunter-Gatheres. In: Matsumura H, Hung H, Li Z, Shinoda K. (Eds.), Bio-Archaeological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherers Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China, pp. 191-198, National Museum of Nature and Science, 2017, Tokyo.
Papers1. 2004 Sawada J, Kondo O, Nara T, Dodo Y, Akazawa T. Bone histomorphology of the Dederiyeh Neanderthal child. Anthropological Science, 2004 112, 247-256.
2. 2008 Sawada J, Suzuki T, Yoneda M, Sato M, Hirata K, Dodo Y. Severe developmental defects of enamel in a human skeleton of the Final Jomon age from the Nakazawahama shell-mound, Iwate, Japan. Anthropological Science, 2008 116: 115-121.
3. 2012 Hamada Y, Sawada J, Cho F, Won MH, Hyun BH. Tubular anomalous bones found in both thighs of a long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). Primates, 2012 53: 25-30.
4. 2011 Noboru Adachi, Ken-ichi Shinoda, Kazuo Umetsu, Takashi Kitano, Hirofumi Matsumura, Ryuzo Fujiyama, Junmei Sawada, Masashi Tanaka. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Hokkaido Jomon Skeletons: Remnants of Archaic Maternal Lineages at the Southwestern Edge of Former Beringia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2011 146: 346-360.
5. 2013 Noboru Adachi, Junmei Sawada, Minoru Yoneda, Koichi Kobayashi, Shigeru Itoh. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the human skeleton of the initial Jomon phase excavated at the Yugura cave site, Nagano, Japan. Anthropological Science, 2013 121: 137-143.
6. 2013 Takumi Tsutaya, Junmei Sawada, Yukio Dodo, Hitoshi Mukai, Minoru Yoneda. Isotopic evidence of dietary variability in subadults at the Usu-moshiri site of the Epi-Jomon culture, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2013 40: 3914-3925.
7. 2013 Junmei Sawada. Mammal remains from the Hoa Diem site. The Excavation of Hoa Diem in Central Vietnam (Showa Women's University Institute of International Culture Bulletin Vol.17, 2012), 2013 17: 226-233.
8. 2014 Junmei Sawada, Takashi Nara, Jun-ichi Fukui, Yukio Dodo, Kazuaki Hirata . Histomorphological species identification of tiny bone fragments from a Paleolithic site in the Northern Japanese Archipelago. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2014 46: 270-280.
9. 2014 Takumi Tsutaya, Tomohito Nagaoka, Junmei Sawada, Kazuaki Hirata, Minoru Yoneda. Stable isotopic reconstructions of adult diets and infant feeding practices during urbanization of the city of Edo in 17th century Japan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2014 153: 559-569.
10. 2015 Hajime Komiya, Junmei Sawada, Fumiko Saeki, Takao Sato. Morphological characteristics of buried dog remains excavated from the Kamikuroiwa Rock Shelter site, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Anthropological Science, 2015 123: 73-85.
11. 2015 Takashi Gakuhari, Hajime Komiya, Junmei Sawada, Tomoko Anezaki, Takao Sato, Kenichi Kobayashi, Shigeru Itoh, Koichi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Kunio Yoshida, Minoru Yoneda. Radiocarbon dating of one human and two dog burials from the Kamikuroiwa rock shelter site, Ehime Prefecture. Anthropological Science, 2015 123: 87-94.
12. 2017 Fumiko Saeki, Junmei Sawada, Toshihiko Suzuki, Yuka Hatano, Ken-ishi Shinoda. Morphological and paleopathological report of the Late Jomon human remains from the Daizen-no-minami site, Chiba Prefecture. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series D (Anthropology), 2017 48: 17-31.
13. 2018 Sawaura R, Sawada J, Sato T, Suzuki T, Sasaki K. Late Pleistocene hares of the Japanese archipelago: Paleobiogeographic implication at the Last Glacial Maximum. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2018 28: 179-187.
14. 2021 Hattori T, Sawada J, Kanomata Y, Akoshima K, Sato T. Animal utilization of the Epi-Jomon and Okhotsk cultures in Sakhalin: A zooarchaeological analysis of the Nobuo Ito Collection. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum, 2021 20: 41-66.
15. 2019 Hagihara Y, Ohtani T, Hatano Y, Yoneda M, Suzuki T, Saeki F, Sawada J, Koibuchi R, Nara T Heian-period human skeletal remains from the Shomyoji shell midden in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture Anthropological Science 2019 127: 149-158
(1) Sawada J, Kondo O, Nara T, Dodo Y, Akazawa T. 2004. Bone histomorphology of the Dederiyeh Neanderthal child. Anthropological Science, 112, 247-256.

(2) Sawada J, Suzuki T, Yoneda M, Sato M, Hirata K, Dodo Y. 2008. Severe developmental defects of enamel in a human skeleton of the Final Jomon age from the Nakazawahama shell-mound, Iwate, Japan. Anthropological Science, 116: 115-121.

(3) Hamada Y, Sawada J, Cho F, Won MH, Hyun BH. 2012. Tubular anomalous bones found in both thighs of a long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). Primates, 53: 25-30.

(4) Noboru Adachi, Ken-ichi Shinoda, Kazuo Umetsu, Takashi Kitano, Hirofumi Matsumura, Ryuzo Fujiyama, Junmei Sawada, Masashi Tanaka. 2011. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Hokkaido Jomon Skeletons: Remnants of Archaic Maternal Lineages at the Southwestern Edge of Former Beringia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 146: 346-360.

(5) Noboru Adachi, Junmei Sawada, Minoru Yoneda, Koichi Kobayashi, Shigeru Itoh. 2013. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the human skeleton of the initial Jomon phase excavated at the Yugura cave site, Nagano, Japan. Anthropological Science, 121: 137-143.

(6) Takumi Tsutaya, Junmei Sawada, Yukio Dodo, Hitoshi Mukai, Minoru Yoneda. 2013. Isotopic evidence of dietary variability in subadults at the Usu-moshiri site of the Epi-Jomon culture, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40: 3914-3925.

(7) Junmei Sawada. 2013. Mammal remains from the Hoa Diem site. The Excavation of Hoa Diem in Central Vietnam (Showa Women's University Institute of International Culture Bulletin Vol.17, 2012), 17: 226-233.

(8) Junmei Sawada, Takashi Nara, Jun-ichi Fukui, Yukio Dodo, Kazuaki Hirata . 2014. Histomorphological species identification of tiny bone fragments from a Paleolithic site in the Northern Japanese Archipelago. Journal of Archaeological Science, 46: 270-280.

(9) Takumi Tsutaya, Tomohito Nagaoka, Junmei Sawada, Kazuaki Hirata, Minoru Yoneda. 2014. Stable isotopic reconstructions of adult diets and infant feeding practices during urbanization of the city of Edo in 17th century Japan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153: 559-569.

(10) Hajime Komiya, Junmei Sawada, Fumiko Saeki, Takao Sato. 2015. Morphological characteristics of buried dog remains excavated from the Kamikuroiwa Rock Shelter site, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Anthropological Science, 123: 73-85.

(11) Takashi Gakuhari, Hajime Komiya, Junmei Sawada, Tomoko Anezaki, Takao Sato, Kenichi Kobayashi, Shigeru Itoh, Koichi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Kunio Yoshida, Minoru Yoneda. 2015. Radiocarbon dating of one human and two dog burials from the Kamikuroiwa rock shelter site, Ehime Prefecture. Anthropological Science, 123: 87-94.

(12) Fumiko Saeki, Junmei Sawada, Toshihiko Suzuki, Yuka Hatano, Ken-ishi Shinoda. 2017. Morphological and paleopathological report of the Late Jomon human remains from the Daizen-no-minami site, Chiba Prefecture. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series D (Anthropology), 48: 17-31.

(13) Sawaura R, Sawada J, Sato T, Suzuki T, Sasaki K. 2018. Late Pleistocene hares of the Japanese archipelago: Paleobiogeographic implication at the Last Glacial Maximum. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 28: 179-187.

(14) Hattori T, Sawada J, Kanomata Y, Akoshima K, Sato T. Animal utilization of the Epi-Jomon and Okhotsk cultures in Sakhalin: A zooarchaeological analysis of the Nobuo Ito Collection. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum, 20: 41-66.