


Department of Physical Therapy

徳永 亮太写真

Faculty of Rehabilitation/Department of Physical Therapy

Ryota Tokunaga



資格2010年度 理学療法士





受賞歴1. 2015年度 日本自律神経学会自律神経誌論文賞
研究論文(英文)1. Tokunaga R, Takahashi Y, Touj S, Hotta H, Leblond H, Kato F, Piché. M Attenuation of widespread hypersensitivity to noxious mechanical stimuli by inhibition of GABAergic neurons of the right amygdala in a rat model of chronic back pain. European Journal of Pain. 2022 Feb; 26(4):911-928.
2. Tokunaga R, Paquette T, Tsurugizawa T, Leblond H, Piché M. Fasting prevents medetomidine-induced hyperglycaemia and alterations of neurovascular coupling in the somatosensory cortex of the rat during noxious stimulation. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2021 Aug; 54(3):4906-4919.
3. Sugimoto M, Takahashi Y, Sugimura YK, Tokunaga R, Yajima M, Kato F. Active role of the central amygdala in widespread mechanical sensitization in rats with facial inflammatory pain. Pain. 2021 Aug; 162(8):2273-2286.
4. Paquette T, Tokunaga R, Touj S, Leblond H, Piché M. Regulation of cortical blood flow responses by the nucleus basalis of Meynert during nociceptive processing. Neuroscience research. 2019 Dec; 149:22-28.
5. Touj S, Tokunaga R, Al Aïn S, Bronchti G, Piché M. Pain Hypersensitivity is Associated with Increased Amygdala Volume and c-Fos Immunoreactivity in Anophthalmic Mice. Neuroscience. 2019 Oct ; 418:37-49.
6. Tokunaga R, Shimoju R, Shibata H, Kurosawa M. Somatosensory regulation of serotonin release in the central nucleus of the amygdala is mediated via corticotropin releasing factor and gamma-aminobutyric acid in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2017 Nov; 67(6):689-698.
7. Tokunaga R, Shimoju R, Takagi N, Shibata H, Kurosawa M. Serotonin release in the central nucleus of the amygdala in response to noxious and innocuous cutaneous stimulation in anesthetized rats. Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2016 Jul; 66(4):307-14.
8. Hori M, Shimoju R, Tokunaga R, Ohkubo M, Miyabe S, Ohnishi J, Murakami K, Kurosawa M. Tickling increases dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in adolescent rats. Neuroreport. 2013 Mar; 24(5) 241-5.
研究論文(和文)1. 下重 里江, 徳永 亮太, 黒澤 美枝子. コルチコトロピン放出因子受容体遮断薬の脳室内投与がピンチ刺激時の動脈圧・心拍数反応におよぼす影響. 自律神経. 2016. 53(4) 305-311.
2. 今井 樹, 下重 里江, 徳永 亮太, 黒澤 美枝子. ラットの腹部皮膚触刺激時の動脈圧・心拍数低下反応における自律神経性機序. 自律神経. 2016. 53(3) 253-259.
3. 徳永 亮太, 下重 里江, 高木 憲彰, 黒澤 美枝子. ラット動脈圧・心拍数並びに扁桃体中心核セロトニン放出に対する脳内コルチコトロピン放出因子の関与. 自律神経. 2014. 51(3) 181-185.
総説・解説1. 2020年度. 黒澤 美枝子, 徳永 亮太, 下重 里江. 体性感覚刺激による扁桃体中心核セロトニン放出反応 脳神経内科 2020 93巻3号 Page322-328
2. 2013年度. 黒澤美枝子,下重里江,徳永亮太. 脳内報酬系中枢としての中脳腹側被蓋野. 神経内科, 2013 78巻2号 Page174-179
報告書1. 2022年度. 徳永亮太 研究活動スタート支援、「慢性腰痛の増悪と維持に関わる脳内ネットワークの同定と治療介入法の開発」、研究成果報告書 日本学術振興会
科学研究費1. 2年間 その他 慢性腰痛の増悪と維持に関わる脳内ネットワークの同定と治療介入法の開発
2. 3年間 基盤研究(C) 慢性腰痛による下行性疼痛制御系の変調機構と運動療法の効果
共同研究・受託研究 等1. 2年間 研究助成金 Mechanism of widespread mechanical hyperalgesia in a rat model of chronic back pain
TV・ラジオ出演、新聞・一般雑誌掲載等1. 2022年度. Journal Faculty Opinions Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Tokunaga R et al., Eur J Pain 2022 26(4:911-928)]. 27 May 2022
学内委員会活動1. 運動機能医科学研究所
2. 動物実験委員会
3. 遺伝子組換え実験安全委員会
4. FD・SD推進委員会


Research AreasNeuroplasticity related to chronic pain, Autonomic responses to nociceptive stimuli, Neurovascular coupling during nociceptive processing
Papers1. 2021年度. Tokunaga R, Takahashi Y, Touj S, Hotta H, Leblond H, Kato F, Piché. M Attenuation of widespread hypersensitivity to noxious mechanical stimuli by inhibition of GABAergic neurons of the right amygdala in a rat model of chronic back pain. European Journal of Pain. 2022 Feb; 26(4):911-928.
2. 2021年度. Tokunaga R, Paquette T, Tsurugizawa T, Leblond H, Piché M. Fasting prevents medetomidine-induced hyperglycaemia and alterations of neurovascular coupling in the somatosensory cortex of the rat during noxious stimulation. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2021 Aug; 54(3):4906-4919.
3. 2021年度. Sugimoto M, Takahashi Y, Sugimura YK, Tokunaga R, Yajima M, Kato F. Active role of the central amygdala in widespread mechanical sensitization in rats with facial inflammatory pain. Pain. 2021 Aug; 162(8):2273-2286.
4. 2019年度. Paquette T, Tokunaga R, Touj S, Leblond H, Piché M. Regulation of cortical blood flow responses by the nucleus basalis of Meynert during nociceptive processing. Neuroscience research. 2019 Dec; 149:22-28.
5. 2019年度. Touj S, Tokunaga R, Al Aïn S, Bronchti G, Piché M. Pain Hypersensitivity is Associated with Increased Amygdala Volume and c-Fos Immunoreactivity in Anophthalmic Mice. Neuroscience. 2019 Oct ; 418:37-49.
6. 2017年度. Tokunaga R, Shimoju R, Shibata H, Kurosawa M. Somatosensory regulation of serotonin release in the central nucleus of the amygdala is mediated via corticotropin releasing factor and gamma-aminobutyric acid in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2017 Nov; 67(6):689-698.
7. 2016年度. Tokunaga R, Shimoju R, Takagi N, Shibata H, Kurosawa M. Serotonin release in the central nucleus of the amygdala in response to noxious and innocuous cutaneous stimulation in anesthetized rats. Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2016 Jul; 66(4):307-14.
8. 2013年度. Hori M, Shimoju R, Tokunaga R, Ohkubo M, Miyabe S, Ohnishi J, Murakami K, Kurosawa M. Tickling increases dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in adolescent rats. Neuroreport. 2013 Mar; 24(5) 241-5.