


Department of Physical Therapy

佐伯 史子写真

Faculty of Rehabilitation/Department of Physical Therapy

Fumiko Saeki



資格2000年度 学芸員
2000年度 中学校教諭一種(社会)
2000年度 高等学校教諭一種(地理歴史)




研究論文(英文)1. Komiya H. Sawada J. Saeki F. and Sato T. Morphological characteristics of buried dog remains excavated from the Kamikuroiwa Rock Shelter site, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Anthropological Science, 2015 123: 73–85.
2. Saeki F. Sawada J. Suzuki T. Hatano Y. and Shinoda K. Morphological and paleopathological report of the Late Jomon human remains from the Daizen-no-minami site, Chiba Prefecture. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D(Anthropology) , 2017 43: 17-31.
研究論文(和文)1. 佐伯史子 解剖学的方法による縄文人の身長推定と比下肢長の検討. Anthropological Science(Japanese Series), 2006 114: 17–33.
2. 佐伯 史子, 安達 登, 米田 穣, 鈴木 敏彦, 澤田 純明, 角田 恒雄, 増山 琴香, 尾嵜 大真, 大森 貴之, 萩原 康雄, 奈良 貴史 大船渡市野々前貝塚縄文時代人骨の形態人類学的および理化学的分析. Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) 2016 124.1 (2016): 1-17.
科学研究費1. 2016-2017年度 2,200,000円 その他 変形性関節症から読み解く縄文時代人の生活誌
2. 2022-2025年度 2,900,000円 基盤研究(C) 解剖学的方法に基づく日本列島の各時代人類集団の正確な身長推定
学会等研究発表1. 佐伯史子、萩原康雄、澤田純明、佐宗亜衣子、奈良貴史、安達登、米田穣、遠部慎、西本志保子、小林謙一 愛媛県上黒岩第2岩陰遺跡から出土した縄文早期人骨 第76回日本人類学会大会・第38回日本霊長類学会大会連合大会 2022年9月16日-9月19日
学内委員会活動1. 個人情報保護委員会


Research AreasPhysical anthropology, Osteoarchaeology, Anatomy
Research Introduction1) Anatomical reconstruction and anthropological research of human skeletal fragments excavated from archaeological sites.

2) Investigation of lesions appearing on ancient human remains and elucidation of the health conditions of people in the past.
BooksShitsukari-Abe Cave Vol.1 The results of the Excavations, 2001-2012 (multi-authored book)
Papers1. Komiya H. Sawada J. Saeki F. and Sato T. Morphological characteristics of buried dog remains excavated from the Kamikuroiwa Rock Shelter site, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Anthropological Science, 2015 123: 73–85.
2. Saeki F. Sawada J. Suzuki T. Hatano Y. and Shinoda K. Morphological and paleopathological report of the Late Jomon human remains from the Daizen-no-minami site, Chiba Prefecture. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D(Anthropology) , 2017 43: 17-31.
Saeki F. (2006) Estimation of Stature and Lower Limb Proportion of the Prehistoric Jomon

Based on an Anatomical Method. Anthropological Science(Japanese Series),114: 17–33.

Komiya H., Sawada J., Saeki F. and Sato T. (2015) Morphological characteristics of buried dog remains excavated from the Kamikuroiwa Rock Shelter site, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Anthropological Science, 123: 73–85.

Saeki F., Adachi N., Yoneda M., Suzuki T., Sawada J., Kakuda T., Masuyama K., Ozaki H., Omori T., Hagihara Y., and Nara T.(2016) Analyzing the Final Jomon human remains from the Nonomae shellmound, Ofunato City, Iwate Prefectur.Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) 124.1 (2016): 1-17.

Saeki F., Sawada J., Suzuki T., Hatano Y. and Shinoda K. (2017) Morphological and paleopathological report of the Late Jomon human remains from the Daizen-no-minami site, Chiba Prefecture. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D(Anthropology) , 43: 17-31.