


Department of Physical Therapy

北谷 亮輔写真

Faculty of Rehabilitation/Department of Physical Therapy

Ryosuke Kitatani



所属団体・学会等日本理学療法士協会、日本基礎理学療法学会、日本神経理学療法学会、日本臨床神経生理学会、International Society of Posture and Gait Research




著書1. 北谷亮輔、大畑光司 理学療法評価学-障害別・関節別評価のポイントと実際-第1版、 II.各論、4 中枢神経麻痺の評価、 市橋則明(編)、 文光堂、 2016、 125-137ページ、
受賞歴1. 2021.2 第60回近畿理学療法学術大会奨励賞
2. 2016.5 第13回日本神経理学療法学会学術集会学術集会長賞
研究論文(英文)1. Kitatani R, Furukawa K, Sakaue D, Otsuru N, Onishi H. Influences of different cognitive loads on central common neural drives to the ankle muscles during dual-task walking. Neuroscience Letters. 2023 804:137214,
2. Kitatani R, Umehara J, Hirono T, Yamada S. Rhythmic auditory stimulation during gait adaptation enhances learning after-effects and savings by reducing common neural drives to lower limb muscles. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2022 128(5):1324-1336,
3. Kitatani R, Maeda A, Umehara J, Yamada S. Different modulation of oscillatory common neural drives to ankle muscles during abrupt and gradual gait adaptations. Experimental Brain Research. 2022 240(3), 871–886
4. Kitatani R, Koganemaru S, Maeda A, Mikami Y, Matsuhashi M, Mima T, Yamada S. Gait-combined transcranial alternating current stimulation modulates cortical control of muscle activities during gait. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2020 52(12), 4791–4802,
5. Kitatani R, Koganemaru S, Maeda A, Mikami Y, Matsuhashi M, Mima T, Yamada S. Gait-synchronized oscillatory brain stimulation modulates common neural drives to ankle muscles in patients after stroke: A pilot study. Neuroscience Research. 2020 156,256–264,
6. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Sato S, Watanabe A, Hashiguchi Y, Yamakami N, Sakuma K, Yamada S. Ankle muscle coactivation and its relationship with ankle joint kinematics and kinetics during gait in hemiplegic patients after stroke. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 2016 33(2),79-85,
7. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Hashiguchi Y, Sakuma K, Yamakami N, Yamada S. Clinical factors associated with ankle muscle coactivation during gait in adults after stroke. Neurorehabilitation. 2016 38(4),351–357,
8. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Sakuma K, Aga Y, Yamakami N, Hashiguchi Y, Yamada S. Ankle muscle coactivation during gait is decreased immediately after anterior weight shift practice in adults after stroke. Gait & Posture. 2016 45,35–40,
9. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Aga Y, Mashima Y, Hashiguchi Y, Wakida M, Maeda A, Yamada S. Descending neural drives to ankle muscles during gait and their relationships with clinical functions in patients after stroke. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2016 127(2),1512–1520,
10. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Takahashi H, Shibuta S, Hashiguchi Y, Yamakami N. Reduction in energy expenditure during walking using an automated stride assistance device in healthy young adults. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2016 95(11),2128–2133,
11. Sakuma K, Tateuchi H, Nishishita S, Okita Y, Kitatani R, Koyama Y, Ibuki S, Ichihashi N. Immediate effects of stance and swing phase training on gait in patients with stroke. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 2021 1;44(2):152-158
12. Sakuma K, Tateuchi H, Nishishita S, Okita Y, Kitatani R, Koyama Y, Ibuki S, Ichihashi N. Gait kinematics and physical function that most affect intralimb coordination in patients with stroke. Neurorehabilitation. 2019 45(4),493-499,
13. Koganemaru S, Kitatani R, Fukushima-Maeda A, Mikami Y, Okita Y, Matsuhashi M, Ohata K, Kansaku K, Mima T. Gait-Synchronized Rhythmic Brain Stimulation Improves Poststroke Gait Disturbance: A Pilot Study. Stroke. 2019 50(11),3205-3212,
14. Hashiguchi Y, Ohata K, Osako S, Kitatani R, Aga Y, Masaki M, Yamada S. Number of Synergies Is Dependent on Spasticity and Gait Kinetics in Children With Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2018 30(1):34-38,
15. Hashiguchi Y, Ohata K, Kitatani R, Yamakami N, Sakuma K, Osako S, Aga Y, Watanabe A, Yamada S. Merging and fractionation of muscle synergy indicate the recovery process in patients with hemiplegia: the first study of patients after subacute stroke. Neural Plasticity. 2016 5282957,
研究論文(和文)1. 北谷亮輔、大畑光司、澁田紗央理、 足関節背屈制限と歩行速度の変化が歩行時の下肢関節角度と筋活動に与える影響、 日本基礎理学療法学雑誌、 2013 16巻2号、P29-37、
総説・解説1. 北谷亮輔、 脳卒中後患者における異常歩行と下肢筋活動の変化、 バイオメカニズム学会誌、 2022 46巻4号、P228-234、
2. 北谷亮輔、 脳卒中後患者に対する歩行ニューロリハビリテーション ―ニューロモデュレーションの応用―、 愛知県理学療法学会誌、 2021 33巻2号、P76-83、
科学研究費1. 2021-2024年 若手研究 「視覚変位状態での姿勢制御時の分配性注意機能の解明と半側空間無視への介入手段の考案」
2. 2019-2021年 若手研究 「リズム聴覚刺激による歩行学習の促進・保続効果と神経生理学的背景の解明」
3. 2017-2019年 その他 「脳卒中患者における歩行学習の神経生理学的背景の解明と臨床応用
4. 2013-2016年 その他 「脳卒中患者の姿勢・歩行異常に対する運動介入と筋活動制御方略」
学会・職能団体の委員1. 滋賀県立成人病センター人材育成センター主催 「地域医療をチームで担う人材育成事業」 運営スタッフ・ファシリテーター・講師
2. 第10回日本神経理学療法学会学術集会 準備委員・実行委員
3. 第9回モーターコントロール研究会 運営スタッフ
4. 第1回リハビリテーションのための姿勢・運動制御研究会 研究会設立・運営スタッフ
5. 第2回リハビリテーションのための姿勢・運動制御研究会 運営スタッフ
6. 日本神経理学療法学会 学術誌編集委員会総務
公開講座・講演会等1. いきいきセミナー 正しい歩き方講座 講師 新潟市社会教育事業新潟市横越地区公民館 2022年10月
2. 第854回臨床実習指導者講習会 ファシリテーター 全国リハビリテーション学校協会・日本理学療法士協会・日本作業療法士協会 2022年9月
3. 第7回ウェルウォーク研究会 病院紹介・症例報告‐通常視覚 FB では顕著な効果がなくFB 提示方法を工夫することで介助量が軽減した症例‐ 講師 2019年9月
4. 第1回リハビリテーションのための姿勢・運動制御研究会 歩行学習の効果的な臨床応用に向けて‐学習効果と神経生理学的視点からの考案‐ 講師 2018年9月
5. 2016年度「第3回脳卒中リハビリテーションに関する勉強会」 若年性脳出血患者の発症から自宅退院まで~急性期、回復期でのリハビリテーション報告~ 講師 国立循環器病研究センター 2017年3月
6. 第29回日本義肢装具学会学術大会・ランチョンセミナー 下肢装具の計測機器‐ゲイトジャッジシステムを用いた装具療法の効果と課題‐ 講師 2013年10月


Research AreasNeurophysiology of gait control and attentional function during postural control.
Research IntroductionMy research interests are neural control of gait and attentional function during postural control in healthy adults and patients after stroke.
BooksKitatani R, Ohata K. Assessment of central nervous system paralysis. Ichihashi N (Eds). Physical Therapy Assessment -Points and Practices of Assessment by Disability/Joint-, 1st Edition. Bunkodo, 125-137, 2016.
Papers1. Kitatani R, Furukawa K, Sakaue D, Otsuru N, Onishi H. Influences of different cognitive loads on central common neural drives to the ankle muscles during dual-task walking. Neuroscience Letters. 2023 804:137214,
2. Kitatani R, Umehara J, Hirono T, Yamada S. Rhythmic auditory stimulation during gait adaptation enhances learning after-effects and savings by reducing common neural drives to lower limb muscles. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2022 128(5):1324-1336,
3. Kitatani R, Maeda A, Umehara J, Yamada S. Different modulation of oscillatory common neural drives to ankle muscles during abrupt and gradual gait adaptations. Experimental Brain Research. 2022 240(3), 871–886
4. Kitatani R, Koganemaru S, Maeda A, Mikami Y, Matsuhashi M, Mima T, Yamada S. Gait-combined transcranial alternating current stimulation modulates cortical control of muscle activities during gait. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2020 52(12), 4791–4802,
5. Kitatani R, Koganemaru S, Maeda A, Mikami Y, Matsuhashi M, Mima T, Yamada S. Gait-synchronized oscillatory brain stimulation modulates common neural drives to ankle muscles in patients after stroke: A pilot study. Neuroscience Research. 2020 156,256–264,
6. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Sato S, Watanabe A, Hashiguchi Y, Yamakami N, Sakuma K, Yamada S. Ankle muscle coactivation and its relationship with ankle joint kinematics and kinetics during gait in hemiplegic patients after stroke. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 2016 33(2),79-85,
7. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Hashiguchi Y, Sakuma K, Yamakami N, Yamada S. Clinical factors associated with ankle muscle coactivation during gait in adults after stroke. Neurorehabilitation. 2016 38(4),351–357,
8. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Sakuma K, Aga Y, Yamakami N, Hashiguchi Y, Yamada S. Ankle muscle coactivation during gait is decreased immediately after anterior weight shift practice in adults after stroke. Gait & Posture. 2016 45,35–40,
9. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Aga Y, Mashima Y, Hashiguchi Y, Wakida M, Maeda A, Yamada S. Descending neural drives to ankle muscles during gait and their relationships with clinical functions in patients after stroke. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2016 127(2),1512–1520,
10. Kitatani R, Ohata K, Takahashi H, Shibuta S, Hashiguchi Y, Yamakami N. Reduction in energy expenditure during walking using an automated stride assistance device in healthy young adults. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2016 95(11),2128–2133,
11. Sakuma K, Tateuchi H, Nishishita S, Okita Y, Kitatani R, Koyama Y, Ibuki S, Ichihashi N. Immediate effects of stance and swing phase training on gait in patients with stroke. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 2021 1;44(2):152-158
12. Sakuma K, Tateuchi H, Nishishita S, Okita Y, Kitatani R, Koyama Y, Ibuki S, Ichihashi N. Gait kinematics and physical function that most affect intralimb coordination in patients with stroke. Neurorehabilitation. 2019 45(4),493-499,
13. Koganemaru S, Kitatani R, Fukushima-Maeda A, Mikami Y, Okita Y, Matsuhashi M, Ohata K, Kansaku K, Mima T. Gait-Synchronized Rhythmic Brain Stimulation Improves Poststroke Gait Disturbance: A Pilot Study. Stroke. 2019 50(11),3205-3212,
14. Hashiguchi Y, Ohata K, Osako S, Kitatani R, Aga Y, Masaki M, Yamada S. Number of Synergies Is Dependent on Spasticity and Gait Kinetics in Children With Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2018 30(1):34-38,
15. Hashiguchi Y, Ohata K, Kitatani R, Yamakami N, Sakuma K, Osako S, Aga Y, Watanabe A, Yamada S. Merging and fractionation of muscle synergy indicate the recovery process in patients with hemiplegia: the first study of patients after subacute stroke. Neural Plasticity. 2016 5282957,